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January 28th, 2022
John B. Harris quoted in The Hill on January 6 Selection Committee Subpoena
Ethics & Professional Responsibility Litigation Partner John B. Harris was quoted in the article, “Jan. 6 Panel's Subpoena furthers Complications for Rudy Giuliani, DOJ” published by The Hill. The article discusses the January 6 Selection Committee’s subpoena of Giuliani and other lawyers who pushed the Trump agenda by denying the election results of Joe Biden’s win. John discussed the types of claims Mr. Giuliani might assert to avoid the subpoena – including attorney-client privilege.
“Stripping aside all of the other issues and all of the concerns that the committee has, the idea that there was actually legal advice that was being rendered here or that these discussions could have been privileged, I think that that is colorable depending on a lot of other facts,” said Harris, adding that “[a] memo about what the Vice President’s rights, duties and obligations are with respect to certification — that sounds to me like a kind of classic legal research and that you could absolutely give it to your client and not necessarily believe that you were committing a crime or fraud. It’s a legal issue that somebody like the president could have been entitled to know.”
John pointed out that with an attorney-client privilege claim, “You never know what sort of sympathetic ear you’re going to get if you’re challenging a subpoena so you probably spin the wheel and see what happens. . . .He could get an amenable judge.”
John concluded: “So I assume that’s going to be how they approach this — that ‘We didn’t know and we don’t know that this was an illegal thing. We thought that this was a perfectly appropriate use of our legal skills.’ And how that flies eventually, who knows, but it’s going to take a long time to resolve.”
Read the article here. (Behind paywall)
Other Quoted
4 Takeaways From 1st Opinion on AI Training and Fair Use
Law 360 quotes Jacqueline Charlesworth on the Third Circuit ruling granting summary judgment to Thomson Reuters, in a case alleging tech startup ROSS Intelligence infringed copyrighted material from Thomson Reuters’ Westlaw platform to create a competing legal research tool. Ms. Charlesworth stated the ruling is significant because many AI companies are asserting transformative use, in interpreting The Andy Warhol Foundation v. Goldsmith case. (Behind paywall) View Article
February 13 2025
Thomson Reuters Prevails in Copyright Battle with AI Company
MediaDailyNews quotes Jeremy S. Goldman on the federal court decision that Ross Intelligence infringed Thomson Reuters’ copyright by training its services using Westlaw summaries, known as “headnotes.” Mr. Goldman states the ruling could impact lawsuits by other copyright owners over the use of their material to develop AI. However, he distinguishes some of the high-profile cases such as those against OpenAI in training ChatGPT. He notes OpenAI argues it did not copy material to compete with authors and publishers but to create its language model and technology. View Article
February 12 2025
What a Character
Boston College Law School Magazine quotes Jeffrey A. Greenberg in a profile of Michael Schiffer, founder of S2 Advertising Law, and the former legal director at Twitter. The article titled "What a Character" notes that Mr. Greenberg was on the hiring committee that recruited Mr. Schiffer to join Frankfurt Kurnit’s Advertising group, where he worked for more than 10 years. View Article
February 11 2025