Speaking Engagements
Exploring NFTs: Opportunities and Intellectual Property Issues
Jeremy S. Goldman is a panelist during the Cardozo Fashion Law Society & Cardozo FAME Center's program, "Exploring NFTs: Opportunities and Intellectual Property Issues." More information here.
November 16 2021
Speaking Engagements
INTA Table Topic
Christopher R. Chase presents the Table Topic, “Advertising Clearance: Addressing Potential Trademark and Other IP Concerns” at the International Trademark Association's annual meeting.
November 16 2021
Speaking Engagements
IAB Public Policy & Legal Summit 2021
Daniel M. Goldberg moderates the session, “Preparing for New State Privacy Laws in 2023: CPRA, VCDPA, and CPA” during IAB’s virtual Public Policy & Legal Summit.
November 16 2021
Speaking Engagements
2021 ANA/BAA Marketing Law Conference
Brian G. Murphy and Daniel M. Goldberg present, "The Advertising Lawyer and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good Very Bad Year" at the ANA/BAA Marketing Law Conference in San Diego.
November 16 2021
Speaking Engagements
Keeping Up With Millennials: How to Counsel Effectively on Recent Industry Crazes
Hannah Taylor presents, "Keeping Up With Millennials: How to Counsel Effectively on Recent Industry Crazes" during a breakout session at the ANA/BAA Marketing Law Conference.
November 15 2021
Hanson Bridgett’s 1L Interview Workshop
Alycia S. Tulloch is an attorney interviewer for Hanson Bridgett’s 1L Interview Workshop.
November 13 2021
Speaking Engagements
Mirren’s Executive Leadership Summit 2021
Candice Kersh presents, "Mastering the MSA: Getting Paid What You Deserve" during Mirren's Post-Summit Workshop. More information here.
November 10 2021
Speaking Engagements
GALA: Americas Advertising Law Year in Review
Jeffrey A. Greenbaum speaks at “Americas Advertising Law Year in Review,” sponsored by the Global Advertising Lawyers Alliance.
November 10 2021
Speaking Engagements
IP Institute: Shifting Tides – Intellectual Property in a Changing World
Terri Seligman speaks during the California Lawyers Association Intellectual Property Law Section’s annual program, the IP Institute.
November 10 2021
Speaking Engagements
IAA Fireside Chat with the Advertising Standards Council of India
Jeffrey A. Greenbaum moderates, "Global Advertising Law & Policy Issues" during a discussion with Manisha Kapoor, the Secretary General of the Advertising Standards Council of India for an International Advertising Association fireside chat.
November 9 2021
Speaking Engagements
How Changes to New York’s Law of Lawyering Would Impact Article 15 of the Judiciary Law
Ronald C. Minkoff presents, “How Changes to New York’s Law of Lawyering Would Impact Article 15 of the Judiciary Law” during a webinar for the New York State Bar Association.
November 3 2021
Speaking Engagements
Fordham Black Law Students Association
Khasim Lockhart is a panelist during the Fordham Black Law Students Association’s Black Attorneys in Sports, Media, and Entertainment Networking Event.
November 3 2021
Speaking Engagements
Walking the Talk on DEI: Recruitment and Hiring
Frankfurt Kurnit’s Employment Compliance, Training & Litigation Group is hosting Walking the Talk on DEI –– a series of complimentary webinars. Our second session, Recruitment and Hiring on October 28th, will examine best practices during the hiring process. This session will focus on DEI issues and opportunities that arise during the hiring process, particularly with respect to job postings and candidate interviews. Read more.
October 28 2021
Speaking Engagements
INTA Young Practitioners Virtual Event: NFTs and IP
Jeremy S. Goldman speaks during a panel on Non-Fungible Tokens & Intellectual Property at the International Trademark Association's Young Practitioners Virtual Event via Zoom. Registration and details here.
October 27 2021
Speaking Engagements
IAA: Creativity4Better Conference
Jeffrey A. Greenbaum speaks at the “Creativity4Better” conference, sponsored by the International Advertising Association. At his session, “Self-Regulation’s Brave Approach to Ensuring Responsible Advertising,” he conducts a fireside chat with Guy Parker, the President of the International Council for Advertising Self-Regulation, and CEO of the UK’s Advertising Standards Authority.
October 27 2021
Speaking Engagements
New York County Lawyers Association Webinar
Ronald C. Minkoff presents, “How to Prevent Common Disciplinary Problems” during a webinar hosted by the New York County Lawyers Association.
October 27 2021
Speaking Engagements
Fordham University School of Law Panel
Sean F. Kane speaks to students and recent grads on, Exploring Small to Midsize Law Firms during a virtual panel discussion hosted by Fordham University School of Law.
October 26 2021
Speaking Engagements
RILA: RLAW Education Conference
Hannah Taylor presents, "Most Pressing Advertising Issues Facing In-House Retail Counsel Today" during the Retail Industry Leader's Association RLAW Education Conference.
October 26 2021
Speaking Engagements
WashU Fashion Law Panel Discussion
Caren Decter speaks on the WashU Fashion Law Panel via Zoom.
October 22 2021
Speaking Engagements
Joseph R. Taylor at Howard University School of Law
Joseph R. Taylor speaks to students at Howard University School of Law on the WGA credit determination process.
October 21 2021
Speaking Engagements
NYCBA: Hot Topics in Advertising Law 2021
Jeffrey A. Greenbaum chairs the New York City Bar’s annual “Hot Topics in Advertising Law” program.
October 20 2021
Speaking Engagements
The Trademark Modernization Act
Kimberly Maynard presents, "The Trademark Modernization Act" during a virtual panel for the Corporate IP Institute (CIPI).
October 19 2021
Speaking Engagements
2021 AIPPI World Congress Online
Gregory Boyd speaks during a panel on video game copyright and design issues during the International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property (AIPPI) World Congress.
October 18 2021
Speaking Engagements
East Bay Community Law Center: Impact Implementation
Alycia S. Tulloch is a panelist during the virtual conversation, "Best Practices for Embedding Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Practices at Legal Institutions" hosted by the East Bay Community Law Center.
October 14 2021
Speaking Engagements
ACIC: 2021 Virtual Fall Annual Meeting and Education Conference.
John B. Harris presents, "Ethical Traps for the Investment Practitioner" during the American College of Investment Counsel's fall meeting and education conference.
October 13 2021