- areas of expertise
- Advertising Technology
- Advertising, Marketing & Public Relations
- Art Law
- Artificial Intelligence
- Blockchain Technology
- Branded Entertainment
- Cannabis Industry
- Celebrity Branding
- Charitable Organizations
- Content Review & Clearance
- Corporate & Finance
- Cross-Border Transactions & Global Media Clearance
- Data Strategy, Privacy & Security
- Employment Compliance, Training & Litigation
- Entertainment
- Estate Planning & Administration
- Executive Compensation & Employment
- Fashion
- Hospitality Law
- Intellectual Property
- Interactive Entertainment
- IP Finance
- Legal Ethics & Professional Responsibility Litigation
- Litigation
- Publishing
- Real Estate
- Social Media
- Sports
- Tax
- Technology & Digital Media
- Trademark & Brand Management
- White Collar Defense & Investigations
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Please find the agenda and presentations below.
9:00 a.m. Check-In and Registration
9:30 a.m. Introduction
9:40 a.m. Advertising Counseling in Changing Times: A Fireside Chat - Presentation
Jeffrey A. Greenbaum and Lesley Fair, Senior Attorney, FTC
10:25 a.m. Licensing Dos and Don'ts - Presentation
Christopher R. Chase and Kimberly M. Maynard
10:55 a.m. It's A FEEmininomenon: Update on Junk Fees - Presentation
11:10 a.m. Coffee Break
11:30 a.m. Endorsements and Consumer Reviews in the Age of AI - Presentation
12:00 p.m. Dark Patterns - Presentation
12:30 p.m. Making Digital Work for Advertising: The Most Important Clauses in Interactive Agreements
S. Gregory Boyd and Michael Ling
1:00 p.m. Digital Doubles - Presentation
1:15 p.m. Lunch
2:00 p.m. ClAIms: Claims About AI, and Claims Created by AI - Presentation
2:30 p.m. Negotiating Talent Deals in the Age of AI - Presentation
Dorian Slater Thomas and Jordyn Milewski
3:15 p.m. Legal Battles Over Tracking Technology - Presentation
3:30 p.m. Coffee Break
3:50 p.m. Production in the Age of AI: Any Issues? - Presentation
4:20 p.m. AI & Ethics - Presentation
Tyler Maulsby and Khasim Lockart
4:50 p.m. Using AI in Creative: Can Contracts Mitigate Risk?
5:20 p.m. Cocktails and Networking
Areas of Expertise
Advertising Technology
Our team offers unique value to clients based on our strong understanding of the Ad Tech ecosystem, regular negotiations with stakeholders across the industry, and in-depth knowledge of governing law and industry practice, including standards promulgated by the IAB, DAA, NAI, and others. Read More.
Advertising, Marketing & Public Relations
Universally recognized as one of the nation’s leading advertising, marketing, branding, and public relations practices, we have again been selected by all of the independent ratings services as the very top of the field. Read More.
Art Law
We handle a variety of domestic and international matters for clients who conduct business in the world of fine art. Read More.
Artificial Intelligence
Leveraging our firm’s extensive experience in emerging technology, intellectual property, data privacy, cybersecurity, employment, professional responsibility, advertising, and entertainment matters, we are ideally positioned to help clients safely adapt to, and capitalize on, the new world of AI. Read More.
Blockchain Technology
Frankfurt Kurnit’s Blockchain Technology Group, co-chaired by partners Jeremy S. Goldman and Hannah Taylor, provides advice on blockchain projects, combining our team’s deep technical knowledge of Web3 with our firm’s unparalleled excellence in intellectual property, entertainment, media, advertising, video gaming, consumer protection, intermediary liability and privacy law. We provide cutting-edge legal counsel and industry expertise on non-fungible tokens (NFTs), decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs), smart contracts, social tokens, and the metaverse. We help clients mitigate legal risk and maximize economic opportunity as they explore untapped markets, connect with audiences, and generate new sources of revenue. Read More.
Branded Entertainment
For more than 40 years we have represented businesses and individuals in advertising and entertainment ventures. Read More.
Cannabis Industry
We offer a full range of cannabis industry services to help guide clients through business formation, financing issues, litigation and dispute resolution, and other legal and business concerns. Read More.
Celebrity Branding
We plan and structure strategic brand-building ventures for celebrities seeking to profit in all media from their names, trademarks, copyrights, and other intellectual property. Read More.
Charitable Organizations
We offer a full range of legal services to exempt organizations serving industries and causes throughout the world. Read More.
Content Review & Clearance
Our pre-publication review and rights clearance group represents clients in every type of traditional and online distribution channel - including print, broadcast, cable, film festivals, theatrical release, live stage productions, YouTube, Facebook, websites and blogs. Read More.
Corporate & Finance
Our Corporate and Finance Group combines legal advice with practical, business suggestions to assist our clients in every stage of business development and growth -- from business concept to organization, financing, operations, and exit strategy Read More.
Cross-Border Transactions & Global Media Clearance
Frankfurt Kurnit serves as the center of the wheel for U.S. clients extending their business interests across international borders. We also regularly work with clients and counsel abroad to help foreign-based entities establish and run operations in the U.S. Read More.
Data Strategy, Privacy & Security
Today, smart businesses strive to be responsible custodians of personally identifiable and other sensitive data. That means building privacy and data security considerations into product development and marketing campaigns, particularly in the expanding and complex advertising technology ecosystem. Companies can leverage consumer data while respecting individual privacy rights and taking appropriate steps to comply with privacy and data security laws. Read More.
Employment Compliance, Training & Litigation
Rapid changes in employment law are increasing the risk of penalties, lawsuits, and bad publicity. Given the complexities, companies and individuals need experienced counsel who know the industry and can explain new developments, present clear options, and help render informed decisions. Our Employment Compliance, Training & Litigation Group has deep expertise in local, state and federal employment laws and regulations. Read More.
We are the leading New York-based entertainment law firm and one of the most respected entertainment law firms in the nation. Read More.
Estate Planning & Administration
We provide estate, gift, and income tax advice, as well as a full range of estate and trust administration services. Read More.
Executive Compensation & Employment
We counsel key executives on all aspects of their compensation, offers, and employment agreements, and we advise employers on their compensation practices. Read More.
We have one of the nation’s top fashion and modeling law practices, representing many of the world’s most talented individuals and influential companies in licensing arrangements, fashion shows, television and film productions, and other transactions. Read More.
Hospitality Law
Great chefs make their name in the kitchen but in today’s world they can leverage that name to become celebrated personalities in media, entertainment, business and philanthropy. Whether your ambition is to create a line of branded merchandise, publish books, appear on television or build a lifestyle brand, the lawyers in the Frankfurt Kurnit Hospitality Law Group can help. Read More.
Intellectual Property
We have handled many of the seminal intellectual property transactions and litigations in the publishing, marketing, licensing, and new technology fields. Read More.
Interactive Entertainment
For 35 years we have represented businesses and individuals in entertainment, advertising, and new technology ventures. Now, as our clients move their businesses to interactive game consoles, cloud-based game systems, phones, and social networks, we are forging new business models that help them succeed. Read More.
IP Finance
The IP Finance Group at Frankfurt Kurnit Klein and Selz helps clients leverage existing and future intellectual property assets and related revenue streams to obtain financing for new and growing IP ventures. Read More.
Legal Ethics & Professional Responsibility Litigation
We advise lawyers and law firms on sensitive ethical, professional responsibility, and business matters, and have successfully defended lawyers facing ethics charges, malpractice allegations, and other issues. Read More.
Our Litigation Group has a deep roster of talented litigators practicing in federal and state courts and before administrative agencies nationwide. Read More.
Our Publishing Group is well known not only for its legal expertise, but also for helping clients exploit ancillary revenue opportunities in nontraditional formats. Read More.
Real Estate
The Real Estate Group provides legal counsel in a wide variety of real estate matters. With many years of experience and a vast network of industry professionals, we have what it takes to help clients reach their goals. Read More.
Social Media
Frankfurt Kurnit is the go-to law firm for advice on social media marketing, social media platform rules, social media compliance, social media and IP — and a variety of digital advertising technology issues. Read More.
From the NHL to professional athletes, sports representation has been a part of the Frankfurt Kurnit culture for decades. Read More.
We offer a broad range of tax services to our clients covering their business transactions and affairs. Read More.
Technology & Digital Media
We were one of the first law firms to advise on information technology and digital media issues, and today we continue to advise digital media and other technology and non-technology businesses on IP, content, licensing, compliance, advertising, finance, M&A, and other areas. Read More.
Trademark & Brand Management
We manage thousands of domestic and international trademark files and have handled trademark matters and resolved disputes for recognized brands and individual trademark owners. Read More.
White Collar Defense & Investigations
We represent businesses and individuals in government and regulatory investigations and in the defense of criminal or administrative charges. Read More.