Speaking Engagements
ABA 2007 Annual Meeting
Sean F. Kane speaks on “Virtual Law - How Online Games Are Shaping Legal Rules” in San Francisco, California.
August 1 2007
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Sean F. Kane speaks on “Virtual Law - How Online Games Are Shaping Legal Rules” in San Francisco, California.
August 1 2007
Sean F. Kane speaks on "Before You Sign: Business and Legal Issues for Animators" in New York, New York.
May 1 2007
Sean F. Kane speaks on "Virtual Law - How Online Games Are Shaping Legal Rules" in Washington, D.C.
April 2 2007
Sean F. Kane speaks on "Legal Ramifications of User Created Content in Open and Closed Virtual Worlds" in San Francisco, California.
March 1 2007
Marianne Calabrese presented, “Estate Planning Basics” at SBLI USA Mutual Life Insurance Company’s Third Annual Women’s Financial Empowerment Seminar.
February 6 2007
Sean F. Kane speaks on “UNCITRAL Legislative Guide on Secured Transactions” at Oxford University, England.
January 1 2007
Sean F. Kane speaks on “UNCITRAL Second International Intellectual Property Colloquium on Secured Transactions” in Vienna, Austria.
January 1 2007
Sean F. Kane speaks on “Managing Your Intellectual Property Arbitration” hosted by the Intellectual Property Section of the NYS Bar Association.
October 2 2006
Sean F. Kane speaks on "Selecting the Best Arbitrator for Your Case".
June 1 2006
Sean F. Kane speaks on “Legal Issues Arising in Video Games and User-Created Content”,
June 1 2006
Sean F. Kane speaks on "Avoiding Litigation in Advertising".
February 2 2004
Marianne Calabrese presented, “Estate Planning for Primary and Secondary Residences” during the Colorado Bar Association’s Estate Planning Retreat Seminar.
May 15 2003
Edward Rosenthal speaks at PLI's "Understanding the Intellectual Property License 2016."
Candice Kersh speaks on advertising agency compensation at the Mirren CEO Summit in Chicago.
Brian Murphy presents on IP and on review sites at the Society of Digital Agencies (soDA) Global Member Meeting in Amsterdam.
Jeffrey A. Greenbaum presents the 'Recent FTC Developments' for members of the Association of Corporate Counsel of New York.
| Continuing Legal Education
Nicole Hyland presents a social media ethics panel at the MLRC Media Law Conference in Reston, Virginia.
Jeffrey A. Greenbaum speaks at the “Business of Marketing Law” conference in Purchase, New York, sponsored by the Brand Activation Association.
Ronald Minkoff speaks on alternative billing, non-lawyer equity compensation, and management of firms by non-lawyers at the NJ CLE program "The Business of Law: Does It Have to Be Profits vs. Ethics."
| Continuing Legal Education