Speaking Engagements
Jeffrey A. Greenbaum Presents for the American Intellectual Property Association
Jeffrey A. Greenbaum presents a webinar on legal issues in user generated content for the American Intellectual Property Association.
April 7 2010
Speaking Engagements
Strategy Analytics Webinar Series 2010
Sean F. Kane speaks on “Exploring the Market Opportunities & Legal Challenges of the Virtual Goods Phenomenon”.
April 1 2010
Frankfurt Kurnit Hosts “Fair Use” as Part of its Gotham Media Breakfast Series
Our firm hosted Fair Use -- the latest in our Gotham Media Breakfast Series -- in our boardroom. Rick Kurnit chaired a panel that included Cameron Stracher of NYLS (formerly CBS Litigation Counsel) and Bill Rosenblatt of GiantSteps Media.
March 22 2010
| Continuing Legal Education
Speaking Engagements
Rick Kurnit Speaks at the ANA Advertising Law & Public Affairs Conference
Rick Kurnit spoke at the ANA Advertising Law & Public Affairs Conference on FTC Endorsement and Testimonial guidelines in Washington, DC. The firm sponsored this event.
March 17 2010
| Continuing Legal Education
Speaking Engagements
Jeffrey Greenbaum Speaks on “The Greening of America”
Jeffrey A. Greenbaum speaks on "The Greening of America" at the Association of National Advertisers Advertising Law and Public Policy Conference in Washington, D.C.
March 17 2010
Jeffrey Greenbaum Leads a Breakfast Panel Discussion on Advertising Compliance for Corporate Counsel
Jeffrey A. Greenbaum leads a breakfast panel discussion on advertising compliance for corporate counsel at Frankfurt Kurnit. LexisNexis and The Corporate Lawyering Group sponsor the event.
March 16 2010
| Continuing Legal Education
Rick Kurnit Presents a CLE on Clearing the Intellectual Property Rights in Marketing Executions
Rick Kurnit presented a CLE to ACCA Advertising Committee members in our boardroom on how to train your corporate marketing department to respect and clear the intellectual property rights in marketing executions.
March 10 2010
| Continuing Legal Education
Speaking Engagements
Rick Kurnit Speaks at the DCIA’s inaugural P2P & CLOUD Market Conference
Rick Kurnit spoke at the Distributed Computing Industry Association's (DCIA) inaugural P2P & CLOUD MARKET CONFERENCE which was held in conjunction with Media Summit New York (MSNY) at the Princeton Club of New York.
March 9 2010
Speaking Engagements
Richard Heller Speaks at Brown University’s 13th Annual Entrepreneurial Program Forum
Richard Heller participates in a panel discussion on entrepreneurship at Brown University's 13th Annual Entrepreneurial Program Forum.
March 6 2010
Speaking Engagements
Knowledge Congress Webinar Series 2010
Sean F. Kane speaks on “Video Game Law for Attorneys: A 2009 Update” as part of the Knowledge Congress Webinar Series.
February 1 2010
Speaking Engagements
Game::Business::Law Summit 2010
Sean F. Kane speaks on "The Crossroads of Financial and Legal issues in Digital Distribution" in Dallas, Texas.
January 1 2010
Speaking Engagements
Game::Business::Law Summit 2010
Sean F. Kane speaks on “The Crossroads of Financial and Legal Issues in Digital Distribution” in Dallas, Texas.
January 1 2010
Speaking Engagements
Engage! Expo Digital Law Conference 2009
Sean F. Kane speaks on "Comparing Virtual World/MMO Business Models: Make the Right Choice" in San Jose, California.
September 1 2009
Speaking Engagements
Austin Game Developers Conference 2009
Sean F. Kane speaks on “EULA’s and Tax Incentives: Two More Things You Can’t Avoid” in Austin, Texas.
September 1 2009
Speaking Engagements
Engage! Expo Digital Law Conference 2009
Sean F. Kane speaks on “Show Me the Money: Unraveling Tax Incentives for Video Game Production” in San Jose, California.
September 1 2009
Speaking Engagements
Department of Defense’s Defense Acquisition University’s 5th Annual Innovations in e-Learning Sympos
The Department of Defense's Defense Acquisition University features Sean F. Kane in "Legal Issues in Virtual Worlds: Never Let Schooling Interfere with Your Education!".
June 1 2009
Speaking Engagements
State of Play Conference 2009
Sean F. Kane speaks on “Current Legal Issues for Virtual Worlds” in New York, New York.
June 1 2009
Speaking Engagements
LOGIN Conference 2009
Sean F. Kane speaks on "Here are the ten ...oy! Five! Five, most important issues for game start ups!" in Seattle, Washington.
May 1 2009
LOGIN Conference 2009
Sean F. Kane presents "Why Your Lawyer Should be Your Design Partner!" at the LOGIN Conference in Seattle, Washington.
May 1 2009
Speaking Engagements
Game Developers Conference Canada 2009
Game Developers features Sean F. Kane as a speaker in "What the $%*# Does Digital Distribution Mean to Me?" at its 2009 conference in Vancouver, Canada.
May 1 2009
Speaking Engagements
Legal Frontiers in Digital Media Conference 2009
Sean F. Kane speaks on “The Developing Law of Virtual Realities and Online Games” at Stanford University, Stanford, California.
May 1 2009
ABA 24th Annual Intellectual Property Law Conference 2009
Sean F. Kane speaks on “Best Practices: Developing a Legal Presence in the Virtual World” in Washington, D.C.
April 1 2009
Speaking Engagements
RSA Conference 2009
Sean F. Kane speaks on “Exploiting Online Games” in San Francisco, California.
April 1 2009
Speaking Engagements
Play Machinima Law Conference 2009
Sean F. Kane speaks on “The Rules of Play: The Role of the EULA and other issues in Machinima Creation and Distribution” at Stanford Law School, Stanford, California.
April 1 2009
Speaking Engagements
Engage! Expo 2009
Sean F. Kane presents "Virtual World Matrics - Measuring Engagement" at the Engage! Expo in New York, New York.
March 2 2009