Speaking Engagements
Hot Topics in Advertising & Marketing Law
Jeffrey A. Greenbaum chairs the New York City Bar’s annual "Hot Topics in Advertising & Marketing Law" event.
October 23 2013 | Continuing Legal Education
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Frankfurt Kurnit – NACLE presentations for clients and friends of the firm (Registration Required).
Jeffrey A. Greenbaum chairs the New York City Bar’s annual "Hot Topics in Advertising & Marketing Law" event.
October 23 2013 | Continuing Legal Education
Edward Rosenthal presented Rights of Publicity and Entertainment at PLI's Understanding the Intellectual Property License 2010 in New York.
October 21 2013 | Continuing Legal Education
Christopher Chase moderates panels on "Branding Issues for Sports Properties" and "Risks When Using Athletic Endorsers" at the New York City Bar Association.
September 27 2013
Nicole Hyland moderates an ethics panel regarding the ethical implications of handling client funds, including opening and managing escrow accounts, the IOLA program, and the New York Lawyers' Fund for Client Protection.
September 26 2013 | Continuing Legal Education
Barbara Shiers speaks at the Tufts Alumni event: Recent Tax Code Changes and How They Affect You, Your Family, and Your Estate, at the Kirkland and Ellis offices in NYC.
September 11 2013
Christopher Chase speaks on the panel "Branding the Athlete" at the Variety Sports Entertainment Summit.
August 15 2013
Jeffrey A. Greenbaum speaks at the "Licensing IP and Technology" conference in Seattle, Washington.
August 15 2013 | Continuing Legal Education
Nicole Hyland speaks at CLE program on how to handle client conflicts hosted by the Practising Law Institute. Program Venue: PLI's New York Conference Center.
August 13 2013 | Continuing Legal Education
Nicole Hyland speaks on a panel hosted by the Association of Professional Responsibility Lawyers in San Francisco, California about the legal ethics of blogging, social networking, and List Serv.
August 9 2013 | Continuing Legal Education
Nicole Hyland presents an ethics CLE on "Social Media Traps to Avoid for Lawyers" at Frankfurt Kurnit.
July 30 2013 | Continuing Legal Education
Nicole Hyland moderates, "Avoiding Ethical Pitfalls in a Criminal Law Practice," an event co-sponsored by the Ethics and Criminal Law Committees of the New York Women’s Bar Association.
June 18 2013 | Continuing Legal Education
Maura Wogan speaks on a reporters' privilege and documentary film production at a NYWIFT panel discussion. Frankfurt Kurnit hosts the event.
June 11 2013
Sean F. Kane speaks on "Tapping Government Incentives for Game Development in Canada, Ireland and Singapore" in San Francisco, California.
June 3 2013
Victoria Cook speaks at the Sundance Institute's panel at BookExpo America 2013.
May 30 2013
Nicole Hyland moderates a CLE program on Marketing and Social Media for the City Bar.
May 28 2013 | Continuing Legal Education
Nicole Hyland speaks at a CLE program hosted by Fordham Law School.
May 20 2013 | Continuing Legal Education
Ronald Minkoff speaks on "Current Ethical Issues for In-House Counsel & Those Who Advise Them", a program for the City Bar Center for CLE.
May 16 2013 | Continuing Legal Education
Jeffrey A. Greenbaum hosts a "Meet the Regulators" breakfast, sponsored by the Brand Activation Association. The event features Bill Effron, Director of the FTC’s Northeast Region, Jane Azia, Director of the New York Attorney General’s Consumer Frauds Bureau, and Marla Tepper, General Counsel of the New York City Department of Consumer Affairs.
May 13 2013
Jeremy S. Goldman speaks at the Inside Counsel's 13 Annual Super Conference on "Information Governance: Data Breaches and Security".
May 8 2013 | Continuing Legal Education
Christopher Chase moderates a discussion on "Protecting Athletes’ Trademark Rights" at the annual International Trademark Association conference.
May 7 2013 | Continuing Legal Education
Jeffrey Greenbaum moderates a discussion at the INTA Annual Meeting in Dallas, Texas regarding the latest "Hot Topics in Social Media Marketing".
May 5 2013
Sean F. Kane speaks on “Adventures in Finance” in Los Angeles, California.
May 1 2013
Sean F. Kane speaks on “Business Track: When you Get Stepped-on by the (Legal) Giant You Don’t Always Respawn” at Ottawa International Game Conference.
May 1 2013
Jeffrey A. Greenbaum speaks at the Justice Media Conference at Brandeis University.
April 27 2013
Rick Kurnit spoke at the IBC Advertising Law Conference.
April 25 2013