Speaking Engagements
Conflicts Panel for New York Women’s Bar Association
Nicole Hyland moderates "Duties, Duties, Duties: What to do When Your Duties to Your Client Conflict With Your Duties to the Court or Third Parties", a CLE Program at Frankfurt Kurnit.
April 23 2013
| Continuing Legal Education
Speaking Engagements
Association of Independent Commercial Producers Digital Town Hall in New York
Jeffrey A. Greenbaum speaks at the AICP Digital Town Hall in New York City.
April 23 2013
Speaking Engagements
A Marketer Under Every Bed: Behavioral Targeting and the First Amendment
Jeffrey A. Greenbaum speaks at the 26th annual Media and the Law Seminar in Kansas City on April 19, 2013.
April 19 2013
Speaking Engagements
Fordham Law’s Fashion Law Symposium
Christopher Chase speaks on a panel at Fordham on Fashion Law.
April 19 2013
Speaking Engagements
Morality Clauses and Ethical Issues in Sports Contracting
Christopher Chase speaks on sports contracts at the Fordham Sports Law Symposium .
April 19 2013
| Continuing Legal Education
Speaking Engagements
FTC Staff Revises Online Advertising Disclosure Guidelines
Jeffrey A. Greenbaum conducts a telebriefing, with Michael F. Ostheimer from the Federal Trade Commission, on the new online advertising disclosure guidelines.
April 17 2013
Speaking Engagements
ABA Antitrust Law Spring Meeting
Rick Kurnit chaired a session at the Antitrust Spring Meeting in Washington, DC.
April 10 2013
Speaking Engagements
Association of Independent Commercial Producers Digital Town Hall in California
Jeffrey A. Greenbaum speaks at the AICP Digital Town Hall in Los Angeles, California.
April 10 2013
Speaking Engagements
The Racing Attorney Conference
Terri Seligman speaks at the Racing Attorney Conference in Indianapolis.
April 9 2013
Speaking Engagements
The Ethical Infrastructure and Culture of Law Firms
Ronald Minkoff moderates a panel on "The Ethical Infrastructure and Culture of Law Firms" at Hofstra Law School.
April 5 2013
| Continuing Legal Education
Speaking Engagements
The Ethics Game Show: Matrimonial and Family Law Edition 2013
Nicole Hyland speaks at "The Ethics Game Show: Matrimonial and Family Law Edition 2013", aCLE program at the PLI's New York Conference Center.
March 28 2013
| Continuing Legal Education
Speaking Engagements
MIT Business in Games
S. Gregory Boyd moderates a panel on the competitive gaming industry.
March 21 2013
Speaking Engagements
ANA Advertising Law & Public Policy Conference
Rick Kurnit, Terri Seligman and Brian Murphy speak at the Q & A portion of the ANA Advertising Law & Public Policy Conference in Washington, DC.
March 19 2013
| Continuing Legal Education
Speaking Engagements
Ethics for Business and Transactional Lawyers
Nicole Hyland speaks at a CLE program hosted by the NY State Bar Association at the Concierge Conference Center, New York City.
March 18 2013
| Continuing Legal Education
Speaking Engagements
Fordham Law National Basketball Negotiation Competition
Christopher Chase serves as a judge at the Fordham Law National Basketball Negotiation Competition.
March 16 2013
Speaking Engagements
NFL Hollywood Boot Camp
Lisa E. Davis participates in a film finance panel at the NFL Hollywood Boot Camp in Los Angeles.
March 14 2013
ABA Private Advertising Litigation Committee Event
We teamed up with the American Bar Association Antitrust Section’s Private Advertising Litigation Committee to host a networking event for NYC area attorneys interested in advertising litigation.
March 14 2013
Speaking Engagements
Second International AMPPI Conference
Brian Murphy speaks at the Second International AMPPI Conference on the role of intellectual property and new technologies in social networks.
March 12 2013
Speaking Engagements
PLI’s Counseling Clients
S. Gregory Boyd speaks on Game Development, Publishing, and License Agreements for PLI's Counseling Clients in the Entertainment Industry.
March 4 2013
| Continuing Legal Education
Executive Compensation Trends Event
Gavin D. McElroy moderates an executive compensation panel discussion at Frankfurt Kurnit.
February 28 2013
Ethical Billing Practices and Retainer Agreements
Nicole Hyland and Frankfurt Kurnit host a CLE program on "Ethical Billing Practices and Retainer Agreements".
February 12 2013
| Continuing Legal Education
Speaking Engagements
‘Outlaw’ or ‘Artlaw’: Advertising in the Digital Age
Nicole Hyland speaks on a panel at the Association of Professional Responsibility Lawyers (APRL) on "'Outlaw' or 'Artlaw': Advertising in the Digital Age" in Dallas, TX.
February 8 2013
| Continuing Legal Education
Speaking Engagements
NYU Tisch School of the Arts Asia
Hayden Goldblatt presents a lecture to a graduate drama writing class at NYU's campus in Singapore (via Skype) about the various types of agreements that a writer may enter into in the motion picture and television industry.
February 8 2013
Speaking Engagements
Hot Topics in Advertising Panel
Rick Kurnit spoke on the Hot Topics Panel at the ABA Antitrust Section's Consumer Protection Conference in Washington DC.
February 7 2013
| Continuing Legal Education
All’s Not Fair: Copyright and Fair Use - What Constitutes Protected Parody
Lisa E. Davis and Melissa Georges host the CLE program "All's Not Fair: Copyright and Fair Use".
February 5 2013
| Continuing Legal Education