Speaking Engagements
Jeffrey A. Greenbaum Speaks at the Intellectual Property Owners Association Annual Meeting
Jeffrey A. Greenbaum speaks on "Growing Pains of Going Green: Trials and Tribulations of 'Green" Marks and Marketing" at the Intellectual Property Owners Association Annual Meeting in Atlanta.
September 13 2010
Speaking Engagements
PLI Technology and Entertainment Convergence 2010: Hot Business and Legal Issues in “Technotainment”
Sean F. Kane speaks on “New Technology Allows Users to Drive their own Entertainment” in New York City.
September 1 2010
Speaking Engagements
Jeffrey A. Greenbaum Speaks at the Law Seminars Licensing Transactions Conference
Jeffrey A. Greenbaum speaks on "Special Considerations for Social Media and Online Marketing: Defining Who Is Responsible for What When Problems Arise" at the Law Seminars Licensing Transactions Conference in Seattle.
August 26 2010
| Continuing Legal Education
Speaking Engagements
Rick Kurnit Speaks at the ABA Annual Meeting
Rick Kurnit spoke on The Right of Publicity: From Hollywood to DC/From Pop Stars to Politicians at the ABA Annual Meeting in San Francisco.
August 6 2010
| Continuing Legal Education
Speaking Engagements
Richard Hofstetter Presents at the Media Forum Westphalia
Richard Hofstetter presents a keynote speech at the 22nd Transatlantic Dialogue during the Media Forum Westphalia in Cologne Germany, one of Europe's most important media conferences, on "Contractual Relations Between TV Producers and Program Providers in the US".
June 30 2010
EventsSpeaking Engagements
Ronald Minkoff Presents for the New York City Bar
Ronald Minkoff presents CLE "Ethics for the Entertainment Lawyer" for the New York City Bar.
June 28 2010
| Continuing Legal Education
Frankfurt Kurnit hosts Gotham Media Ventures Digital Breakfast
Frankfurt Kurnit hosts "The Business of Facebook", a Gotham Media Ventures Digital Breakfast event. Panelists include David Berkowitz of 360i, Adam Elend of Bright Red Pixels and WallStrip, David Kirkpatrick, Author of The Facebook Effect, and Ian Spalter of R/GA. Topics include Facebook's business model and privacy concerns, and how this social media platform has made itself a seemingly indispensable tool of both popular culture and a large swath of American business.
June 18 2010
Speaking Engagements
Jeffrey A. Greenbaum Speaks at ACI’s Litigating and Resolving Advertising Disputes Event
Jeffrey A. Greenbaum speaks on "Inside Strategies for Effectively Utilizing the NAD to Resolve Advertising Disputes" at the ACI's Litigating and Resolving Advertising Disputes event.
June 16 2010
Speaking Engagements
Music Makes the People Come Together: The Anatomy of a Copyright Music Infringement Lawsuit
Brian Murphy presents "Music Makes the People Come Together: The Anatomy of a Copyright Music Infringement Lawsuit" at the Computer and Cyberspace Law Seminar at the University of Dayton Law School in Ohio.
June 11 2010
| Continuing Legal Education
Frankfurt Kurnit Hosts Sanders Consulting
Gavin McElroy and Bob Sanders, President of Sanders Consulting Group, lead a discussion on how to conduct business in an evolving business and legal climate at the Sanders Consulting New York New Business Energizer Event. Frankfurt Kurnit hosts the event.
June 9 2010
Speaking Engagements
Jeffrey A. Greenbaum Speaks on Engaging in Compliant Green Marketing Practices
Jeffrey A. Greenbaum speaks on "Engaging in Compliant Green Marketing Practices in Today's Regulatory Environment and Advertising: Creating and Managing Global Advertising Campaigns" at C5's Third Advertising Law Forum.
June 9 2010
Wendy Stryker Presents a CLE on Avoiding Liability in Hostile Work Environments
Wendy Stryker presents a CLE luncheon on how employers can avoid liability for hostile work environments, and for discrimination in hiring and other situations at the offices of Frankfurt Kurnit.
June 9 2010
| Continuing Legal Education
Frankfurt Kurnit Hosts an “What’s in a Name?: The Business of Celebrity Branding” Event
Frankfurt Kurnit hosted "What's in a Name?: The Business of Celebrity Branding" event at our offices. Panelists included Ed Horne of Madison Avenue Sports & Entertainment, John Caplan of OpenSky, Cory Baker of Iconix Brand Group, Inc., Andy Cohan of ACI Licensing and Michael Williams. Among the topics were recent trends in branding, how managers and agents locate opportunities, comparing luxury and mass-market opportunities, and more.
June 3 2010
Speaking Engagements
Rick Kurnit Presents at the ALI/ABA Product Distribution and Marketing Conference
Rick Kurnit presented at the ALI/ABA Product Distribution and Marketing Conference in Chicago on Advertising Liability and Intellectual Property in Marketing Communications.
June 3 2010
| Continuing Legal Education
Speaking Engagements
Jeffrey A. Greenbaum Participates in a COPPA Rule Review Roundtable
Jeffrey A. Greenbaum participates in a COPPA Rule Review Roundtable on "Protecting Kids' Privacy Online" at the FTC Conference Center in Washington, DC.
June 2 2010
Speaking Engagements
Ronald Minkoff Speaks at the New York City Bar’s “Ethics for In-House Counsel” CLE Program.
Ronald Minkoff speaks at the New York City Bar's "Ethics for In-House Counsel" CLE program.
May 25 2010
| Continuing Legal Education
Speaking Engagements
Ronald Minkoff Speaks On New York advertising rules
Ronald Minkoff speaks at a webinar on New York advertising rules. Super Lawyers sponsors the program.
May 18 2010
Speaking Engagements
AIPLA Conference 2010
Sean F. Kane speaks on “Open Innovation and Social Networking Communities: Ownership and Licensing of Intellectual Property” in New York, New York.
May 3 2010
Speaking Engagements
Shift Worldwide Webinar Series 2010
Sean F. Kane speaks on “Freemiums as a Business Model: What Start-Ups Need to Know & What Investors Like” as part of the Shift Worldwide Webinar Series.
May 3 2010
Speaking Engagements
Richard Maltz Speaks for Law Seminars International
Richard Maltz speaks at a telebriefing on the implications of the ruling on the Alexander v. Cahill case for Law Seminars International.
April 28 2010
Frankfurt Kurnit hosted Talk NYC’s Event
Frankfurt Kurnit hosted Talk NYC's event -- a cocktails and content evening from 6:00PM to 8:00PM. It featured a panel discussion of executives from Discovery Communications, Ansible Mobile Media (IPG), and Rhythm New Media. Jason Kessler hosted and introduced the panel.
April 28 2010
Speaking Engagements
Lisa E. Davis Presents at the Tribeca Film Festival
Lisa E. Davis presents on film finance at the Tribeca Film Festival.
April 22 2010
Speaking Engagements
Rick Kurnit Speaks on Rights of Publicity at the NYSBA
Rick Kurnit spoke on Rights of Publicity at the NYSBA's Advising Clients on the Creation & Content of Their Web Sites teleconference.
April 20 2010
| Continuing Legal Education
Speaking Engagements
Ronald Minkoff Chairs at the Association of Professional Responsibility Lawyers’ 20th Anniversary
Ronald Minkoff chairs a panel on "The Disciplinary Process: The Next 20 Years" at the Association of Professional Responsibility Lawyers' 20th Anniversary Celebration in New Orleans.
April 16 2010
| Continuing Legal Education
Speaking Engagements
Richard Maltz Presents at the New York City Bar Association
Richard Maltz presents "What's New for 2010" at the New York State Bar Association's Introductory Lessons on Ethics and Civility for a 2010 event at the Hotel Pennsylvania in New York City.
April 16 2010
| Continuing Legal Education