Speaking Engagements
Copyright Basics
Edward Rosenthal spoke on the above at the New York City Bar.
March 10 2011 | Continuing Legal Education
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Frankfurt Kurnit – NACLE presentations for clients and friends of the firm (Registration Required).
Edward Rosenthal spoke on the above at the New York City Bar.
March 10 2011 | Continuing Legal Education
Candice Kersh speaks on "Transforming Agency/Client Terms and Agreements" at the 4A's 2011 Transformation conference in Austin.
March 7 2011
Melissa Georges guest lectures at the City University of New York in a class for graduate students in film production, speaking about legal issues affecting filmmakers.
March 3 2011
Sean F. Kane speaks on “How Governments are Changing Where Big Ideas Happen” at SXSW Interactive 2011.
March 1 2011
Jeffrey A. Greenbaum speaks on "Building in Recent Regulatory and Case Law Developments into Your Comparative Advertising Campaign and What To Do If a Competitor Steps Out of Line" at C5’s Advertising Law Conference in London.
February 28 2011
Brian Murphy and Terri Seligman present "Social Media Compliance for Business" at Frankfurt Kurnit for the Association of Corporate Counsel members.
February 15 2011 | Continuing Legal Education
Terri Seligman speaks on "Structuring Sweepstakes & Contests in a Digital Age" at the New York City Bar's Sweepstakes, Promotions & Marketing Laws: Comprehension & Compliance Program in New York City.
February 11 2011 | Continuing Legal Education
Edward Rosenthal and Maura Wogan speak on the Salinger v. Colting case at the Los Angeles Chapter Copyright Society of the USA.
February 9 2011
Terri Seligman presents" The Winning Strategy for False Advertising Cases: NAD or Federal Courts, or Both?" at the ABA's Consumer Protection Conference in Washington, DC.
February 3 2011 | Continuing Legal Education
Sean F. Kane speaks on “Managing Your Virtual Economy” in New York City.
February 1 2011
Ronald Minkoff speaks at PLI's 2011 Bridge the Gap Program at Brooklyn Law School.
January 21 2011 | Continuing Legal Education
Sean F. Kane speaks on “Court Rulings Effect on Business and Development” in Dallas, Texas.
January 3 2011
Brian Murphy presents "Social Media: Taking Advantage of Changing Opportunities While Recognizing and Minimizing the Risks" at the Law Seminars International 19th Annual Seattle Conference on Current Developments in Technology Law.
December 9 2010
Frankfurt Kurnit hosts the annual Gotham Media 2011 Forecast Breakfast. Lisa E. Davis moderates a panel that includes Jim Gaines, the former publisher of Life magazine, Paul Kontonis of The Third Act (Digitas), Andrew Morse of ABC News, and others.
December 3 2010
Sean F. Kane speaks on “’Technotainment’ for Attorneys Explored” as part of the Knowledge Congress Webinar Series.
December 1 2010
Rick Kurnit spoke on Endorsements and Testimonials at PMA's 32nd Annual Marketing Law Conference in Chicago.
November 19 2010
Jeffrey A. Greenbaum speaks on "Advanced Advertising" at the annual Promotion Marketing Association Law Conference in Chicago. Candice Kersh speaks on IP Issues in Advertising.
November 19 2010
Jeffrey A. Greenbaum speaks on "New Changes to the FTC's Green Guides" at the Law Seminars International's Telebriefing.
November 10 2010
Ronald Minkoff speaks on "Current Ethical Issues in Complex Litigations" at the PLI's "Bet the Company" Litigation 2010 seminar at the PLI New York Center.
November 9 2010
Mark Merriman participates in the panel "Media Masala – Current Trends and Issues in US – India Film, Television and Music Programming, Production and Distribution" at the New York City Bar Association.
November 8 2010 | Continuing Legal Education
Sean F. Kane speaks on “Top Legal Issues in Gamification” in New York City.
November 1 2010
Jeffrey A. Greenbaum speaks at the Association for Independent Commercial Producers' "Lawyers on the Clock" panel at the TimesCenter in New York as part of the AICP's 2010 annual conference.
October 26 2010
Jeffrey A. Greenbaum speaks at ACCA's Annual Compliance Seminar at the Museum of Arts and Design in New York to discuss advertising compliance under the Obama Administration. Frankfurt Kurnit sponsors the event.
September 30 2010 | Continuing Legal Education
Richard Maltz presents a CLE at the City Bar Center for Bridge the Gap Corporate Program on "Escrow Accounts: Learn the Rules/Avoid the Pitfalls".
September 29 2010 | Continuing Legal Education
Three Frankfurt Kurnit attorneys participate in the MLRC/NAA 2010 Media Law Conference in Virginia. Maura Wogan moderates a panel discussion on issues arising from the Colting v. Salinger litigation. Ronald Minkoff presents "Ethics in the Electronic Era". And Rick Kurnit presents on "Privacy, Publicity, and Use and Protection of Data".
September 29 2010 | Continuing Legal Education