In the Press: Quoted
Black Law Partners Work Hard for Obama
The New York Sun quoted Lisa E. Davis in an article about support among black lawyers for Senator Obama. View Article
August 13, 2008
Our attorneys represent Fortune 500 companies and smaller businesses, award-winning creative talent, and individuals, business owners, and corporate executives.
The New York Sun quoted Lisa E. Davis in an article about support among black lawyers for Senator Obama. View Article
August 13, 2008
The Hollywood Reporter named Michael Frankfurt as one of the "Top 100 Power Lawyers".
July 25, 2008
On July 7, 2008, Governor Paterson signed into law a bill that extends the revocatory effect of divorce to non-probate dispositions of property and certain fiduciary designations of a former spouse. This article summarizes the provisions of the newly enacted law and outlines how it differs from the Uniform Probate Code Section after which it was patterned. Read more.
July 16, 2008
Internet Law & Strategy published Sean F. Kane's article "A Passport to Virtual Worlds" in its June 2008 Vol. 6, No. 6 issue.
June 30, 2008
Frankfurt Kurnit has been named a "a Go to Law Firm of the Leading Technology Companies" by American Lawyer Media.
April 24, 2008
Sean F. Kane authored a chapter of "Virtually Lawless: Legal and Economic Issues in Virtual Worlds", which PLI published as part of Information Technology Law Institute 2008, New Directions: Social Networks, Blogs, Privacy, Mash-ups, Virtual Worlds and Open Source in March 2008.
March 31, 2008
Edward H. Rosenthal was interviewed on NPR's "The Bryant Park Project" program on the doctrine of "libel in fiction." View Article
March 24, 2008
The Daily Record recognized Maura Wogan was mentioned as counsel to Canadian production company, Protocol, in "'Saddle Club' Producer Sues Discovery."
March 13, 2008
The New York Law Journal published Brian Maas and Amelia Brankov's article, "Rules on Prehearing Dispositive Motions in Arbitrations". Read more.
March 12, 2008
Jeffrey A. Greenbaum was quoted in the Internet Retailer article "Online Video Sells, Especially When It Feels Real, Experts Say" on March 7, 2008.
March 7, 2008
Jeffrey A. Greenbaum was interviewed by on liability of merchants for the marketing actions of their affiliates.
February 25, 2008
The Los Angeles Times quoted Lisa E. Davis in "Eaten Alive in the Studio Jungle". The Press of Atlantic City and The Journal Gazette reprinted the article.
February 13, 2008
Jeffrey A. Greenbaum appeared on the CBS Early Show as an expert on Truth in Advertising.
February 11, 2008
Rick Kurnit was quoted in the February 2, 2008 Wall Street Journal article, "God vs. Gridiron." View Article
February 2, 2008
The New York Professional Responsibility Report featured Ronald C. Minkoff's article, "Who's My Client? Part I - The Intermittent Client" in its February 2008 edition.
February 1, 2008
The New York State Bar Association, Entertainment, Arts and Sports Law Journal published Sean F. Kane's article, "Virtual Worlds, Digital Economics and Synthetic Crimes", in its January 2008, Vol. 19, No. 1 special edition.
January 31, 2008
Rick Kurnit was quoted in the January 22, 2008 MediaPost article, "Scientologists Threaten Gawker Media With Legal Action Over Cruise Video." View Article
January 22, 2008
Crain in its "Executive Moves" column, Variety in its "Executive Shuffle" column, and The New York Law Journal in its "News in Brief" column all mentioned Amy Nickin's promotion to Partner in Frankfurt Kurnit's Entertainment Group.
January 19, 2008
Lisa E. Davis' article, "Intransigence on Diversity" appeared in the December/January edition of The Network Journal.
January 15, 2008
The Courier Journal mentioned Lisa E. Davis in "Local Writer Claims Spike Lee Stole Script".
January 14, 2008
O’Dwyer’s PR published Gavin McElroy's article "Pricing Services to Increase Revenues" on its website.
January 9, 2008
E-commerce Law and Policy published Sean F. Kane's article "Passporting of Avatars and Property Between Virtual Worlds" in its December 2007, Vol. 9 issue.
December 31, 2007
Virtual Worlds Management published "Virtual Worlds Management Industry Forcast 2008", a peice Sean F. Kane contributed to as an author.
December 31, 2007
The New York Law Journal listed Brian Maas as counsel to the Barbara King Family Trust in its "Appellate Division Decision" column.
December 24, 2007
Black Enterprise magazine quoted Lisa Davis in its December article "The Rise of Independent Music".
December 1, 2007
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