“Native Advertising” - Legal, Regulatory and Business Developments
As media business models change and more brand messaging moves alongside - and into - editorial content, it is important for brand, agency, and publishing executives - and their lawyers - to understand the rules governing native advertising and other forms of sponsored content. Read more.
July 22 2014
Speaking Engagements
Advertising and Promotion Liability
Rick Kurnit presents on "Advertising and Promotion Liability" at the American Law Institute's "Product Distribution and Marketing" Continuing Legal Education Course in Chicago, Illinois.
July 18 2014
| Continuing Legal Education
Speaking Engagements
PLI Social Media Marketing Webinar
Christopher Chase moderates a webinar for PLI on Global Social Media Marketing.
July 16 2014
Speaking Engagements
Women, Wisdom and Wealth: How Women Can Create, Retain and Pass On Wealth
Barbara Shiers speaks at the, "Women, Wisdom and Wealth: How Women Can Create, Retain and Pass On Wealth" luncheon at the Museum of Modern Art.
June 25 2014
Speaking Engagements
TMA Roundtable: Treaties Around the World and Understanding Their Purpose
Rachel Santori hosts the INTA roundtable "Crossing Borders - International Treaties and Agreements Covering Trademarks" here at Frankfurt Kurnit.
June 25 2014
Speaking Engagements
BBB Self-Regulation Conference
Jeffrey A. Greenbaum speaks at the BBB Self-Regulation Conference in Washington D.C., and moderates a panel on "Self-Regulation in a Global Economy: Barriers and Opportunities."
June 24 2014
Hollywood Creative East Forum
Lisa E. Davis moderates a panel at the Hollywood Creative East Forum, an event sponsored by the Walter Kaitz Foundation in partnership with the American Black Film Festival.
June 19 2014
Speaking Engagements
Business Affairs Boot Camp
Jeffrey A. Greenbaum speaks at a "Business Affairs Boot Camp" sponsored by the AICP.
June 12 2014
Speaking Engagements
What Lawyers Need to Know About Social Media and Advertising
Nicole Hyland speaks on a panel about social media, advertising, and legal ethics. Program venue: The annual meeting of WBASNY in Galloway, New Jersey.
June 9 2014
Speaking Engagements
NYU Game Center Incubator
S. Gregory Boyd participates in the NYU Game Center Incubator workshops.
June 6 2014
Speaking Engagements
24th Annual Program in Law and Technology
Brian Murphy speaks at the University of Dayton School of Law's "Program in Law and Technology" seminar on significant developments in cyberspace law.
June 6 2014
UGC: How Leading Brands are Successfully Tapping into This Marketing Lever
Frankfurt Kurnit hosts a networking reception, panel discussion, and Q&A on user-generated content for the Entertainment, Media and Technology committee of the Columbia Business School Alumni Club of New York.
June 5 2014
Speaking Engagements
Law Seminar International: Regulatory Compliance for Social Gaming
S. Gregory Boyd speaks on a panel at Law Seminar International's two-day "Regulatory Compliance for Social Gaming” conference in Las Vegas, NV.
June 5 2014
Speaking Engagements
PLI Hot Topics in Advertising Law 2014
Christopher Chase speaks on “Adjusting Your Advertising Campaign for the International Stage” at the "PLI Hot Topics in Advertising Law" conference in New York City.
June 2 2014
Speaking Engagements
“Ethics in the Electronic Age” at the New York City Bar Association
Nicole Hyland speaks at a CLE program hosted by the New York City Bar Association entitled "Ethics in the Electronic Age. Be careful when using that smart phone, tablet, blog or social network." Program venue: NYCBA building at 42 West 44th Street in New York.
June 2 2014
| Continuing Legal Education
Speaking Engagements
Global Advertising: Advertising Law in the UK
Jeffrey A. Greenbaum and Brinsley Desden of Lewis Silken provide an overview of the rules governing advertising to consumers in the United Kingdom, with a special emphasis on social media. This program is co-sponsored by the Global Advertising Lawyers Alliance, and will take place at Frankfurt Kurnit from 9:00AM to 10:00AM.
June 2 2014
Speaking Engagements
Breaking Bad in the Digital Age: Ethical Concerns in Lawyers’ Use of Emerging Technology
Nicole Hyland speaks at a CLE program entitled "Breaking Bad in the Digital Age: Ethical Concerns in Lawyers’ Use of Emerging Technology." Program Venue: 40th ABA National Conference on Professional Responsibility in Long Beach, California
May 29 2014
| Continuing Legal Education
Speaking Engagements
Online Content Management 2.0
Rick Kurnit participates on a New York State Bar Association panel discussing "Online Content Management". Registration for this webinar is open to all. The fee is $50 for members and $150 for nonmembers.
May 29 2014
| Continuing Legal Education
Speaking Engagements
SHOOT’s Annual New Director’s Showcase
Brian Murphy speaks on advertising at the annual "SHOOT New Director's Showcase" in New York. Frankfurt Kurnit is a "Silver Sponsor" of the event.
May 22 2014
Speaking Engagements
NYSBA EASL Spring Meeting
Brian Murphy speaks at the EASL Spring Meeting on Protecting and Enforcing Publicity Rights in Social Media.
May 21 2014
Speaking Engagements
City Bar Trademark Symposium
Rachel Santori moderates a panel on trademarks and the new gTLDs and Christopher Chase speaks on a panel about trademark issues in advertising at the New York City Bar Trademark Symposium.
May 20 2014
Speaking Engagements
Law Seminars International: Call from Anywhere for a 90 Minute Expert Analysis
Jeffrey A. Greenbaum moderates a call-in program on "Legal Issues in Ambush Marketing". In addition to the United States, the panel includes lawyers from Canada, The Netherlands, South Africa, and Brazil. The program is sponsored by Law Seminars International and the Global Advertising Lawyers Alliance.
May 19 2014
Draft Event
Sean Kane speaks on "Video Games and Promotions" at a CLE program entitled "Sweepstakes, Promotions, & Marketing Laws: Comprehension & Compliance in a Digital/Mobile Environment".
May 16 2014
Speaking Engagements
Comprehension & Compliance in a Digital/Mobile Environment
Sean F. Kane speaks on a New York City Bar Association panel entitled "Sweepstakes, Promotions & Marketing Laws: Comprehension & Compliance in a Digital/Mobile Environment."
May 16 2014
Speaking Engagements
Current Ethical Issues for In-House Counsel & Those Who Advise Them
Ronald Minkoff speaks at the City Bar Center for the CLE's program, "Current Ethical Issues for In-House Counsel & Those Who Advise Them".
May 15 2014