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Alerts: Legal Ethics and Professional Responsibility
New York Court of Appeals Rules on Attorney Fees Issue
Just three weeks ago, the New York Court of Appeals, in Albunio v. City of New York, issued a ruling on a question that has long bedeviled civil rights and employment lawyers - and their clients. Read more.
April 25, 2014
In the Press: Praise
New York Women’s Impact List
Variety honored Lisa E. Davis in its first-ever "New York Women's Impact List". View Article
April 22, 2014
Alerts: Employment Law
NYC Law Now Protects Interns Against Workplace Discrimination
Last week, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio signed a bill amending the New York City Human Rights Law to provide that interns are now protected from workplace discrimination and harassment. Read more.
April 22, 2014
In the Press: Praise
Variety Legal Impact Report
Variety listed Amy Nickin in their 2014 "Legal Impact Report". View Article
April 15, 2014
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In the Press: Quoted
Katherine Heigl’s Duane Reade Lawsuit Exposes Legal Murkiness of Tweets
Digiday quoted Jeffrey A. Greenbaum on celebrities' "right of publicity" when it comes to social media. View Article
April 10, 2014
Alerts: Legal Ethics and Professional Responsibility
Law Firm Liability: Court Ruling Will Permit More Fraud Claims to Proceed
In a decision last week Melcher v. Greenberg Traurig LLP, New York's highest court, gave a big boost to plaintiffs wanting to sue lawyers for committing intentional fraud and deceit in the course of a court proceeding. Read more.
April 9, 2014
In the Press: Quoted
Brazil Bans Advertising to Children Under Age 12
Advertising Compliance Service quoted Jeffrey A. Greenbaum regarding the Brazilian Ministry of Human Rights' Council of Rights of Children and Teenagers' resolution that effectively bans all advertising to children under age twelve. View Article
April 9, 2014
In the Press: Quoted
ABA Journal Podcast
The ABA Journal released Nicole Hyland's podcast on "How Lawyers Can Get the Most out of Facebook’s Paid Status Updates." Listen to Podcast
April 7, 2014
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Alerts: Advertising Law
FTC Pursues False Endorsement Allegations Against “Intermediaries” and Social Media Contests
We recently reported on the FTC's settlement with home security company, ADT LLC for their use of paid endorsers presented to look like impartial experts. As five recent investigations show, the ADT investigation extended to other parties. In addition, the FTC's interest in monitoring endorsements has expanded to include social media promotions. Read more.
April 3, 2014
Alerts: Estate Planning Law
New Law Significantly Impacts the New York State Estate and Gift Tax Regimes
On March 31, 2014, Governor Cuomo signed legislation to implement the New York State fiscal plan for 2014 - 2015. The legislation makes broad changes to the New York State estate and gift tax laws as well as some more technical changes to certain trust income tax rules. Read more.
April 3, 2014
In the Press: Quoted
Cole Haan Draws FTC Notice With Pinterest Contest
Terri Seligman was quoted by MediaPost with regards to the FTC's view on what constitutes an endorsement. View Article
April 1, 2014
Alerts: Regulatory
IRS Will Treat Virtual Currencies as “Property”
In Notice 2014-21 issued on March 25, 2014, the IRS announced that it will treat virtual currencies (such as Bitcoin) as "property" for U.S. federal tax purposes. Read more.
March 31, 2014
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Alerts: Advertising Law
Ad-ID Deadline for SAG-AFTRA Commercials is April 1
As of April 1, 2014, all commercials produced under the SAG-AFTRA contract featuring SAG-AFTRA talent must incorporate the Ad-ID coding mechanism, developed by the American Association of Advertising Agencies and the Association of National Advertisers in 2003, for commercial tracking and calculating appropriate payments. Read more.
March 28, 2014
In the Press: Praise
Law 360 Powerbrokers
Law360 indentified Victoria Cook and Barbara Shiers as leading "Female Powerbrokers".
March 25, 2014
Alerts: Advertising Law
Make Sure Your Product Demonstrations Are Not Misleading
The Federal Trade Commission and The National Advertising Division of the Better Business Bureau recently challenged three product demonstrations by major brands, finding that they were misleading to consumers. Here is a rundown of these important regulatory and self-regulatory developments. Read more.
March 18, 2014
In the Press: Quoted
Terrence Malick-Produced ‘The Better Angels’ Gets U.S. Distribution
The Hollywood Reporter and Deadline listed Hayden Goldblatt and Alan Sacks as representation for the filmmakers of "The Better Angels" in a distribution deal with Amplify. View Article
March 12, 2014
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Alerts: Advertising Law
FTC Sounds the Alarm on ADT Paid Endorsements
As part of its ongoing focus on endorsements in advertising, the Federal Trade Commission recently settled a case against home security company, ADT LLC, for use of paid endorsers presented to look like impartial experts. In its complaint, the FTC alleged that ADT paid spokespeople to review, demonstrate and promote ADT's "Pulse Home Monitoring System" without disclosing that they were paid to do so. Read more.
March 11, 2014
In the Press: Quoted
FTC Busts ADT for Failing to Disclose Paid Endorsers
The FTC has recently been focused on transparency in online communications, however according to Jeff Greenbaum in his Adweek article, "FTC Busts ADT for Failing to Disclose Paid Endorsers", the recent ADT case is evidence that they are looking at traditional media as well. View Article
March 10, 2014
In the Press: Quoted
Ferraiuoli LLC Joins Global Advertising Lawyers Alliance
News is my Business quoted Jeffrey A. Greenbaum regarding the addition of Ferraiuoli LLC to GALA. View Article
March 5, 2014
Alerts: Employment Law
Earned Sick Time Act
On Wednesday February 26th, the New York City Council voted 46-to-5 to expand the Earned Sick Time Act that is scheduled to go into effect on April 1, 2014. Under the amended law, all businesses with at least five employees (or one domestic worker) must provide workers with five paid sick days a year. Read more.
March 4, 2014
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In the Press: Quoted
Sean F. Kane in The National Law Journal
The National Law Journal announced Sean F. Kane as the newest partner of Frankfurt Kurnit's Interactive Entertainment Group.
March 3, 2014
Alerts: Advertising Law
Hold off on that Congratulatory Ad
The Olympics and the Academy Awards always inspire advertisers to run ads congratulating winners. But not so fast. Michael Jordan's lawsuit over a congratulatory advertisement placed by Jewel-Osco Supermarkets in a Sports Illustrated special edition celebrating his induction into the Basketball Hall of Fame was just reinstated on appeal. Read more.
February 20, 2014
In the Press: Quoted
Are You Guilty of ‘Twibel’? What Courtney Love’s Twitter Lawsuit Means for Social Media
Terri Seligman was interviewed by New Media Rockstars about lawsuits resulting from defamatory claims made on social media. View Article
February 20, 2014
In the Press: Quoted
Brands Court Legal Danger in Real-Time Rush
Digiday quoted Jeffrey A. Greenbaum on social media rules for brands. View Article
February 18, 2014
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In the Press: Quoted
Jeffrey A. Greenbaum Elected GALA Global President
Shoot Online published an article announcing Jeffrey A. Greenbaum as the president of the Global Advertising Lawyers Alliance. (Article behind a paywall) View Article
February 13, 2014