Our attorneys represent Fortune 500 companies and smaller businesses, award-winning creative talent, and individuals, business owners, and corporate executives.
In the Press: Quoted
Jeffrey A. Greenbaum Featured in MediaPost on Behavioral Targeting
MediaPost quoted Jeffrey A. Greenbaum in a article about an FTC proposal which would prohibit companies from using behavioral targeting techniques on children under 13 without their parents' permission. View Article
September 16, 2011
Alerts: Advertising Law
Television Networks Agree to Stop Premium Text Message Sweepstakes
After four years of litigation, NBC Universal, Fox Broadcasting Company and several major production companies have agreed to settle a class action lawsuit involving premium text message promotions run during the popular competitive reality shows 'American Idol' and 'Deal or No Deal.' Read more.
September 16, 2011
In the Press: Praise
Seventeen Frankfurt Kurnit Attorneys Named 2011 New York-Area “Super Lawyers”
Super Lawyers named seventeen Frankfurt Kurnit attorneys in its 2011 edition. Read more.
September 11, 2011
Alerts: Entertainment Law
eBook Scams
The rise of eReader devices and eReader marketplaces provides more and more opportunities for online self-publishers. While these technologies have given a myriad of authors the joy and remuneration of publishing their work, they have also led to modern abuses – abuses that affect intellectual property owners and consumers alike. Read more.
August 31, 2011
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In the Press: Quoted
Judge Slams Photographer for Meritless Copyright Suit
NEWSgrist quoted Nicole Hyland on her recent "victory not only for artistic expression, but for the legal system as well." View Article
August 21, 2011
In the Press: Quoted
Frankfurt Kurnit in Artnet Magazine
Last week, Judge Sullivan (SDNY) dismissed copyright claims against our clients Christopher Perez and the Ratio 3 Gallery in San Francisco. Nicole Hyland represent the gallery. Read more.
August 19, 2011
In the Press: Quoted
Rick Kurnit on CBS Early Show
Rick Kurnit was featured on the CBS Early Show discussing the Oscar Mayer vs. Ball Park franks false advertising claim legal battle.
August 16, 2011
In the Press: Quoted
Rick Kurnit Featured in Ad Age on Solicitation of Gifts
Rick Kurnit was featured in an Ad Age blog post on the legal issues arising when advertising executives solicit gifts from their media outlet beneficiaries. View Article
August 10, 2011
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In the Press: Quoted
Frankfurt Kurnit and Victoria Cook Mentioned in Hollywood Reporter
The Hollywood Reporter listed Victoria Cook as counsel to indie filmmaker Dee Rees.
August 3, 2011
Alerts: Advertising Law
Deceptive “Negative Option” Marketing Leads to $4.8 Million Judgment
A California district court has entered a $4.8 million judgment against Swish Marketing, Inc., an online direct marketing company, for deceptive marketing practices involving use of a negative option feature, in which a consumer’s silence or failure to reject an offer is interpreted by the seller as acceptance. Read more.
August 2, 2011
Press Releases
Lisa E. Davis to Receive Women of Power Award
The Natonal Urban League awarded Lisa E. Davis the "Women of Power Award" at its 2011 conference. Read more.
July 26, 2011
In the Press: Quoted
Maura Wogan Cited in NorthJersey.com Coverage of Advertising Dispute
Nonesuch Records, Inc. has filed a federal copyright infringement lawsuit against Valley National Bancorp and its New York City advertising agency, alleging they used The Black Keys' hit single "Tighten Up" in television commercials without permission. Maura Wogan represents the bank and the advertising agency.
July 25, 2011
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Alerts: Intellectual Property Law
ICANN Introduces Unlimited Generic Top Level Domains
During a special session held on Monday, June 20, 2011 in Singapore, the board of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers voted to dramatically increase the number of top level domains available on the Internet. Read more.
July 21, 2011
Alerts: Advertising Law
Blogger Could Not Be Sued By Competitor for Anonymous User Posts
New York's highest court has held that a plaintiff’s claim against a blog operator arising out of allegedly defamatory comments posted to the blog was barred by the "Communications Decency Act". This is the first time the New York Court of Appeals has ruled on a CDA defense. Read more.
July 21, 2011
In the Press: Quoted
Ronald Minkoff Quoted in Thomson Reuters News & Insights
Thomson Reuters News & Insights quoted Ron Minkoff in a T article on legal loopholes that exist within the pending "Clean Up Albany Act of 2011" ethics bill aimed at state legislators.
July 15, 2011
Alerts: Advertising Law
Connecticut AG Launches Investigation into Groupon
In what may be the first regulatory action against the daily deal giant, Groupon, the Connecticut Attorney General has just announced that he has requested information from the company regarding its consumer discount vouchers, or “Groupons”. Read more.
July 15, 2011
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Alerts: Advertising Law
Right of Publicity Statute Does Not Apply to Those Who Died Before Its Enactment
An Indiana federal court has ruled that the Indiana right of publicity statute, which has the longest post-mortem period of continuing the right of publicity, does not apply to personalities who died before 1994, the year the statute was enacted. Read more.
July 11, 2011
Alerts: Advertising Law
The 100 Years After Death Right of Publicity Statute Does Not Apply To Personalities Who Died Before
An Indiana federal court has ruled that the Indiana right of publicity statute, which has the longest post-mortem period of continuing the right of publicity, does not apply to personalities who died before 1994, the year the statute was enacted. Read more.
July 11, 2011
In the Press: Quoted
Frankfurt Kurnit in SHOOT Publicity
The 20th annual AICP (The Art & Technique of the American Commercial) Show took place on June 7 at The Museum of Modern Art in New York City. SHOOT Publicity Wire covered the event, and listed our firm as one of the sponsors.
July 7, 2011
Published Articles
Harry Potter and the Uncommon Award
In a recent decision, a judge in New York assessed $50,000 in sanctions, plus attorneys' fees and costs, against an unknown author who claimed that her copyrights and trademarks had been violated by the publication of the Harry Potter books. Such an award is rarely made in U.S. intellectual property infringement cases. Read more.
July 7, 2011
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In the Press: Quoted
Terri Seligman in NYConvergence.com
Frankfurt Kurnit's Gotham Media Ventures breakfast seminar on "The Online Dilemma: Content vs. Commerce" held on July 12 featured Terri Seligman on the panel.
July 1, 2011
In the Press: Quoted
Gender Balance in Entertainment Law
Variety quoted Amy Nickin on her views of attorneys who are trying to balance the demands of a family and legal career. View Article
June 30, 2011
Alerts: Advertising Law
CARU Tells Paramount to Modify Advertising for “Justin Bieber: Never Say Never”
The Children's Advertising Review Unit of the Council of Better Business Bureaus, Inc. recently recommended that Paramount Pictures Corp. modify or discontinue a television commercial for the film, "Justin Bieber: Never Say Never". CARU said that the commercial was misleading to children. Read more.
June 30, 2011
Alerts: Advertising Law
Advertising Agency Settles Multi-State Attorney General Investigation
Advertising agency Action Integrated Marketing recently entered into a settlement agreement with ten attorneys general, resolving allegations that the advertising agency created advertisements that misled consumers about the origins of cars that it was advertising. Read more.
June 13, 2011
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In the Press: Quoted
Rick Kurnit Quoted in the New York Times on ChicoBag Matter
Rick Kurnit was quoted in an article in The New York Times on a lawsuit against ChicoBag, a reusable bag manufacturer, that allegedly made false eco-friendly claims about their products. View Article
June 12, 2011