In the Press: Quoted
Frankfurt Kurnit Client John Goodman in The Hollywood Reporter
Our client, John Goodman, was mentioned in The Hollywood Reporter for joining the cast of "Extremely Loud" and "Incredibly Close", Stephen Daldry's adaptation of the Jonathan Safran Foer novel.
January 19, 2011
In the Press: Quoted
Swedish Author Settles Salinger Copyright Suit
The Local, Sweden's local news site, covered the settlement between our client, Fredrik Colting, and the estate of J.D. Salinger, over the publication of Colting's book, 60 Years Later: Coming Through the Rye. View Article
January 12, 2011
In the Press: Praise
Frankfurt Kurnit in the Network Journal Magazine
The Network Journal featured Lisa E. Davis on the cover of its "Attorneys at the Top" issue. Read more.
January 6, 2011
In the Press: Quoted
Jeffrey A. Greenbaum in PMA Law Bulletin
The PMA named Jeffrey A. Greenbaum a PMA committee member in its monthly bulletin.
December 27, 2010
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In the Press: Quoted
Wendy Stryker Featured in on NLRB Matter featured Wendy Stryker in an article about a recently filed complaint by the NLRB against an ambulance company, American Medical Response of Connecticut, which said that the firm illegally fired an employee for comments she made on Facebook.
December 21, 2010
In the Press: Quoted
Frankfurt Kurnit Adds New Corporate Partner
The National Law Journal and the New York Law Journal in its "News in Brief" section covered Frankfurt Kurnit's addition of Deborah Wolfe as partner to its Corporate and Finance Group.
December 9, 2010
In the Press: Quoted
Rick Kurnit Quoted in Corporate Counsel
Rick Kurnit spoke on the latest developments in publicity rights at the Entertaiment Business Law Seminar held on Friday, October 22 at the New York University's Helen and Martin Kimmel Center. Corporate Counsel picked up the news.
October 26, 2010
In the Press: Quoted
Jeffrey A. Greenbaum at AICP Conference
Jeffrey A. Greenbaum spoke on the "Lawyers On The Clock: 12 Legal Issues You Need To Know" panel at the Association of Independent Commercial Producers (AICP) conference on October 26 at The TimesCenter in New York. SHOOT Magazine mentioned the news.
October 22, 2010
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In the Press: Quoted
Jeffrey A. Greenbaum Discusses FTC Green Guides on Bloomberg Law Podcast
Bloomberg Law's Lee Pacchia interviewed Jeffrey A. Greenbaum on the Federal Trade Commission's recent guidelines on environmental marketing claims relating to products, services or business practices.
October 15, 2010
In the Press: Quoted
Jeffrey A. Greenbaum Article on FTC Endorsement Guides in GALA Gazette
The GALA Gazette published Jeffrey A. Greenbaum's article on the FTC's recent revisions to its "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsement and Testimonials in Advertising".
October 14, 2010
In the Press: Quoted
Women’s Sports Foundation Honors Cameron Myler
Cameron Myler, a Luge Olympian, was honored as one of the top female athletes at the Women’s Sports Foundation’s 31st Annual Salute to Women in Sports awards dinner.
October 13, 2010
In the Press: Praise
Frankfurt Kurnit in Best Lawyers 2010
Best Lawyers ranked Frankfurt Kurnit in its 2010 edition. Read more.
October 11, 2010
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In the Press: Quoted
Rick Kurnit Featured in
Rick Kurnit was one of the panelists at the Entertainment Business Law Seminar at CMJ Music Marathon & Film Festival 2010 in New York City.
October 9, 2010
In the Press: Quoted
Rick Kurnit Quoted in Hartford Courant
Rick Kurnit was quoted in a Hartford Courant article on Attorney General Richard Blumenthal's argument that Craigslist should permanently shut down their adult services section.
October 8, 2010
In the Press: Quoted
Let’s Put on a Show!
Super Lawyers interviewed Jean Ward on her start in the theater and legal industries in "Let's Put on a Show!". View Article
October 7, 2010
In the Press: Quoted
Jeffrey A. Greenbaum Quoted in MediaPost on Environmental Claims
Jeffrey A. Greenbaum was quoted in MediaPost on the new proposed guidelines issued by the FTC restricting marketers' from making broad environmental claims.
October 6, 2010
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In the Press: Quoted
Nicole Hyland Featured in featured Nicole Hyland's blog post on an important Australian decision on the copyrightability of newspaper headlines.
September 29, 2010
In the Press: Quoted
Brian Murphy Featured in The Patent and Trademark Copyright Journal
The Patent and Trademark Copyright Journal published Brian Murphy's presentation on fair use and social media issues at 20th All Ohio Annual Institute On Intellectual Property.
September 24, 2010
In the Press: Quoted
Ronald Minkoff’s Letter Mentioned in the Minnesota Law Review
The Minnesota Law Review mentioned Ronald Minkoff's letter on judicial discipline to the ABA's Joint Commission on the Model Code of Judicial Conduct in footnote 134 of its 94th volume.
September 23, 2010
In the Press: Quoted
Jeffrey A. Greenbaum Quoted in The Kipling Letter
Jeffrey A. Greenbaum was quoted in The Kiplinger Letter on FTC' soon-to-be released updated guidelines on using environmental marketing claims on product labels.
September 21, 2010
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In the Press: Quoted
Frankfurt Kurnit in the NYSBA Entertainment Arts & Sports Law Blog
Frankfurt Kurnit was mentioned in the NYSBA Entertainment, Arts & Sports Law blog for hosting the In-House Counsel Committee and Lawyers in Transition Committee. View Article
September 6, 2010
In the Press: Quoted
Frankfurt Kurnit Mentioned in The New York Law Journal
Frankfurt Kurnit was mentioned in The New York Law Journal's News in Brief section on our client Joe Berlinger's opposition to Chevron's recent motion for an order requiring the Ecuadorian plaintiffs and their lawyers to preserve evidence relevant to their defense and to supplement their subpoenas.
August 17, 2010
In the Press: Quoted
Terri Seligman Quoted in Advertising Age Story on Novartis Promotion
Advertising Age quoted Terri Seligman in an article about the FDA's regulatory proceeding against drug company Novartis' Facebook promotions. Terri's quote was also recirculated as a "Smart Quote" by SmartBrief in its social media newsletter. View Article
August 11, 2010
In the Press: Quoted
Terri Seligman Joins Frankfurt Kurnit Advertising Group
Terri J. Seligman recently joined our firm as a partner in the Advertising Group. Intellectual Property Today magazine picked up our press release.
August 3, 2010
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In the Press: Quoted
Terri Seligman Quoted in The Wall Street Journal on Trademark Disputes
The Wall Street Journal quoted Terri Seligman on trademark battles in the consumer-products industry.
July 20, 2010