In the Press: Quoted
Jeffrey A. Greenbaum Quoted in Online Media Daily on Data Collection
Jeffrey A. Greenbaum was quoted in MediaPost's Online Media Daily on FTC's policies governing Web company disclosure of data collection practices.
September 29, 2009
In the Press: Quoted
Rick Kurnit Quoted in Adweek on Patent Law
Rick Kurnit was quoted in Adweek on patent issues arising from utilizing web applications for advertising and marketing campaigns. View Article
September 29, 2009
In the Press: Quoted
Edward Rosenthal in Williams Alumni Review
Edward Rosenthal is mentioned in Williams Alumni Review for his involvement with establishing Reclaiming Childhood as a nonprofit organization. Reclaiming Childhood assists Iraqi refugee girls with sports, education and other elements of their childhood that were stripped from them.
September 25, 2009
In the Press: Quoted
Jeffrey Greenbaum Cited in Marketing Textbook
Jeffrey A. Greenbaum was cited in the 2010 edition of the textbook, Marketing, published by South-Western Cengage Learning.
September 9, 2009
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In the Press: Quoted
The J.D. Salinger - 60 Years Later Case Moves to the 2nd Circuit
Edward Rosenthal argued Fredrik Colting and SCB Distributors Inc.'s appeal on September 3rd. Galleycat reported.
September 3, 2009
In the Press: Quoted
Jeff Greenbaum Quoted in the Affiliate Summit East 2009 Conference
Lisa Barone reported on Jeff Greenbaum's "Hot Topics in marketing Compliance and Enforcement" panel discussion at the Affiliate Summit East 2009 conference. View Article
August 11, 2009
In the Press: Quoted
Lisa Davis Mentioned in Hollywood Reporter as the Broker for TeenNick Deal
The Hollywood Reporter mentioned Lisa Davis as the attorney who brokered the deal between The N, which will be rebranded TeenNick, and Catwalk, the sophomore book series from The Cheetah Girls author Deborah Gregory, for a potential TV series. View Article
August 4, 2009
In the Press: Quoted
Edward Rosenthal, J.D. Salinger case in New York Times
Our representation of Fredrik Colting and SCB Distributors Inc., - the author and U.S. distributor of 60 Years Later - Coming Through the Rye - against J.D. Salinger, was featured in the New York Times. View Article
July 27, 2009
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In the Press: Quoted
Media, Advocacy, and Library Groups Weigh in for Defendants in J.D. Salinger Case
The New York Times, Gannett, Associated Press, Tribune Company, Public Citizen, and a group of library organizations have all submitted friend-of-the-court briefs on behalf of Frankfurt Kurnit's clients in the J.D. Salinger v. Colting case. Edward Rosenthal leads our team.
July 27, 2009
In the Press: Quoted
Mark Merriman and S. Jean Ward Quoted in The Deal
The Deal quoted Mark Merriman and S. Jean Ward on the evolution of the Broadway musical business.
July 17, 2009
In the Press: Quoted
Advertising Compliance Service Welcomes Rick Kurnit as a New Member of Editorial Advisory Board
The ACS provides essential information to attorneys on marketing and advertising legal matters. The ACS Editorial Advisory Board comprises some of the top attorneys in advertising law.
June 6, 2009
In the Press: Quoted
Rick Kurnit Quoted in MediaPost on Athletes’ Right of Publicity Dispute
MediaPost quoted Rick Kurnit on former Nebraska quarterback Sam Keller's right of publicity lawsuit against Electronic Arts. The suit alleges that EA unfairly profits from the use of college football player images in EA games. The suit also alleges the NCAA wrongly approved EA's use of the college students' identities. View Article
March 12, 2009
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In the Press: Quoted
Adweek Quotes Rick Kurnit on Payment Issues
Adweek quoted Rick Kurnit on "sequential liability" and the problems that may arise when a difficult economy forces commercial production companies and agencies to wait for payment from marketers. View Article
March 9, 2009
In the Press: Quoted
Frankfurt Kurnit Hosts ACCA-GNY Advertising and Marketing Law Committee
The Metroplolitan Corporate Counsel magazine published an article on Frankfurt Kurnit hosting the Association of Corporate Consel's Greater New York Chapter's newly formed Advertising and Marketing Law Committee.
March 1, 2009
In the Press: Quoted
Barbara Shiers Quoted in New York Times
The New York Times quoted Barbara Shiers "Good Advice Makes All the difference", an article on estate planning issues. View Article
February 26, 2009
In the Press: Quoted
Rick Kurnit Mentioned in Streamingmedia
Rick Kurnit was mentioned in a article as one of the keynote speakers at the Distributed Computing Industry Association’s upcoming P2P Market Conference on March 17th.
February 16, 2009
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In the Press: Quoted
Frankfurt Kurnit in Security Systems News
Frankfurt Kurnit was mentioned in a Security Systems News article as the host for the panel discussion “Funding, Investment Strategies & Developments in Security Technology 2009." View Article
February 5, 2009
In the Press: Quoted
Jeffrey Greenbaum Mentioned in FTC Report on Best Practices
Jeffrey Greenbaum was mentioned in the Federal Trade Commission’s January 2009 Report written by FTC Chairman William Kovacic on the Continuing Pursuit of Better Practices.
January 30, 2009
In the Press: Quoted
Rick Kurnit Quoted in Brandweek and Cityfile
Rick Kurnit was quoted in Brandweek and Cityfile New York, on Virgin America’s decision to sue a Web site for its Flight 1549-inspired parody. View Article
January 28, 2009
In the Press: Quoted
Lisa Davis in New York Daily News
The New York Daily News mentioned Lisa E. Davis in an article on Caroline Kennedy's PR strategy for Governor Paterson. View Article
January 26, 2009
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In the Press: Quoted
Ronald Minkoff Quoted in ABA/BNA
The ABA/BNA Lawyer's Manual on Professional Conduct quoted Ronald Minkoff in an article on the 'Middle Way' group of lawyers' attempt to identify a compromise on the subject of lateral screening.
January 21, 2009
In the Press: Praise
Frankfurt Kurnit: One of the “Best Law Firms For Women” 2009
Frankfurt Kurnit has been listed as one of the ”Best Law Firms for Women” by Working Mother magazine and Flex-Time Lawyers LLC. The list honors 50 law firms for their commitment to work-life balance and the success and advancement of women lawyers.
January 21, 2009
In the Press: Quoted
Learn How to Stay Out of Trouble: PLI’s Ethics Update
The Metropolitan Corporate Counsel mentioned Richard Maltz as a panelist for the PLI’s annual ethics update "Learn How to Stay Out of Trouble" on December 22nd. View Article
December 5, 2008
In the Press: Quoted
Sealed Document Reveals Morgan & Finnegan’s Defection Woes
The AM Law Daily and the New York Law Journal both recognized Ronald Minkoff as counsel to Christopher Hughes, an attorney who filed a suit in October against Morgan & Finnegan – his former firm. View Article
December 2, 2008
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In the Press: Quoted
Marketing Law Conference to Feature FTC and FCC Leaders
The Chicago Daily Law Bulletin mentioned Jeffrey Greenbaum’s role as moderator for a panel discussion on current regulatory issues at the PMA’s 30th Annual Promotion Marketing Law Conference.
November 12, 2008