Speaking Engagements
Advertising in the Age of Social Media: Risks, Rewards and Staying Relevant
Social and digital marketing practices and tactics evolve at warp speed. If you have ever felt frustrated by the law's failure to keep pace ... then this is the seminar for you. Read more.
April 19 2016
| Continuing Legal Education
Speaking Engagements
Tyler Maulsby at PLI’s 10th Annual Patent Law Institute
Tyler Maulsby speaks at PLI's 10th Annual Patent Law Institute on the panel, "Outsourcing Legal Services and Functions – What Patent Prosecutors and Litigators Need to Know to Survive".
April 14 2016
Speaking Engagements
Transition from the Cockpit to the Next Step
Lisa E. Davis moderates a panel at the TRAC Conference (the association of NASCAR counsel) in Charlotte, North Carolina. The panel is titled “Transition from the Cockpit to the Next Step.”
April 13 2016
Speaking Engagements
APRL’s 7th International Professional Responsibility Conference
Nicole Hyland and Ron Minkoff speak at the 7th International Professional Responsibility Conference for the Association of Professional Responsibility Lawyers (APRL) on "Ethics and Risk Implications of Cloud Computing and Data Privacy" and "Legal Malpractice in International Business Transactions." The event takes place in Paris.
April 13 2016
Speaking Engagements
BAA Lunchtime Webinar
Rick Kurnit presents a webinar on native advertising for a Brand Activation Association audience.
April 12 2016
Speaking Engagements
Stars In Our Eyes: Negotiating Celebrity Talent Agreements for 2020
Chris Chase speaks at the ANA Advertising Law and Policy Conference in Chicago on the panel “Stars In Our Eyes: Negotiating Celebrity Talent Agreements for 2020” with counsel from American Express, David + Goliath, and Dunkin’ Donuts.
April 7 2016
Candice Kersh presents at the 4A’s Transformation Conference in Miami
Candice Kersh presents "The Do's & Don'ts of MSA's, Data Security & IP Ownership" at the 4A's Transformation Conference in Miami.
March 21 2016
Speaking Engagements
Hashtag Law – Legal Issues in Using Hashtags in Advertising and Social Media
Jeffrey A. Greenbaum and Hannah Taylor present the CLE "Hashtag Law – Legal Issues in Using Hashtags in Advertising and Social Media" for PLI.
March 17 2016
| Continuing Legal Education
Speaking Engagements
SXSW 2016
Wendy Stryker speaks at SXSW 2016 on "#You'reFired@Work: Social Media & Employment Law" from 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM.
March 12 2016
Speaking Engagements
Fordham Law Entertainment Law Symposium
Christopher Chase speaks at the Fordham Law Entertainment Law Symposium on March 4, 2016 where he will address new sources of revenue for recording artists.
March 4 2016
Ad Blocking: The Allure of an Ad-Free Experience and the Battle to Finance the Web
We are proud to host the Columbia Business School Alumni Club's panel on ad blocking. We have a limited number of complimentary passes available for friends of Frankfurt Kurnit. Read more.
February 25 2016
Speaking Engagements
PLI’s 2016 “Social Media” conference
Terri Seligman speaks at PLI’s 2016 Social Media Conference on “Hot Issues in Social Media Advertising.”
February 24 2016
Hiring and Retaining Key Talent: Compensation Strategies that Work
We are proud to sponsor and host a Society of Digital Agencies ("SoDA") meetup. We have a limited number of complimentary passes available for friends of Frankfurt Kurnit. Read more.
February 24 2016
Speaking Engagements
Odyssey Writer’s Boot Camp
Lisa E. Davis speaks on a panel at the Odyssey Writer’s Boot Camp sponsored by Comcast/NBCUni in Baltimore, Maryland
February 24 2016
Speaking Engagements
Reporting on Hacked Materials
Jeremy S. Goldman speaks on "Reporting on Hacked Materials" for the Media Law Resource Center.
February 24 2016
Speaking Engagements
Current Issues in Corporate Representation: Protecting the Attorney-Client Relationship
Nicole Hyland speaks on "Current Issues in Corporate Representation: Protecting the Attorney-Client Relationship" for a Fordham Law School Ethics CLE.
February 19 2016
Speaking Engagements
ABA Labor & Employment Law Section Career Panel
Wendy Stryker presents at CUNY School of Law as part of the ABA Labor & Employment Law Section's Career Panel.
February 11 2016
Speaking Engagements
PSP Annual Meeting
S. Gregory Boyd speaks at the Professional & Scholarly Publishing Annual Meeting on Cyber Security in the scholarly publishing industry.
February 4 2016
Everything You Always Wanted to Know About #Hashtags* *But Were Afraid to Ask
Jeffrey A. Greenbaum and Hannah Taylor present "Everything You Always Wanted to Know About #Hashtags* *But Were Afraid to Ask". Read more.
January 27 2016
| Continuing Legal Education
Speaking Engagements
25 Trial Issues That Keep You Up in the Middle of the Night
Richard Maltz presents "25 Trial Issues That Keep You Up in the Middle of the Night" for the New York State Trial Lawyers Institute.
January 26 2016
Speaking Engagements
Goodspeed Opera House Music Director Intensive
Mark Merriman speaks at the Goodspeed Opera House Music Director Intensive on copyright, legal and business issues in the theatre industry.
January 23 2016
Speaking Engagements
The Reckoning
Terri Seligman speaks at MediaPost's The Reckoning conference in Washington DC on "Fooling the Natives: Are Content Marketing and Native Advertising Squandering User Trust In Media?"
January 19 2016
Speaking Engagements
Global Advertising Law Year in Review
Jeffrey A. Greenbaum moderates a call-in program, “Global Advertising Law Year in Review.” The program, sponsored by PLI, will feature updates on global advertising law developments from around the world.
January 13 2016
NYWIFT Power Player Breakfast: Linda Kaplan Thaler
We host the New York Women in Film and Television's Power Player Breakfast series on January 13th featuring Linda Kaplan Thaler, Chairman of Publicis. To register please click here.
January 13 2016
Speaking Engagements
PLI Hashtag Briefing
Jeffrey Greenbaum and Hannah Taylor deliver a one hour briefing on hashtag use for PLI.
December 17 2015