Speaking Engagements
Intellectual Property Owners Association Annual Meeting 2016
Jeffrey A. Greenbaum speaks on a panel, “Brands Under Attack: How Brand Owners Can Save Face,” at the Intellectual Property Owners Association annual meeting in New York City.
September 13 2016
Speaking Engagements
D.I.C.E. Europe 2016
Sean Kane speaks at D.I.C.E Europe 2016 in Barcelona on privacy, big data and video game law.
September 12 2016
Speaking Engagements
#SponsoredContent! What You Need to Know About the FTC Guidelines
Jeffrey A. Greenbaum speaks on "#SponsoredContent! What You Need to Know About the FTC Guidelines When Counseling Advertisers and Influencers in New Media" for the Beverly Hills Bar Association .
July 20 2016
Speaking Engagements
Testing the Paradigm: Regulatory Objectives and Access to Justice in the UK, Canada and the U.S
Ronald C. Minkoff presents, "Testing the Paradigm: Regulatory Objectives and Access to Justice in the UK, Canada and the U.S" at the International Legal Ethics Conference VII on July 15th.
July 15 2016
Speaking Engagements
2016 International Legal Ethics Conference
Nicole Hyland speaks on a panel called, "Good TV, Bad Ethics: Legal Ethics in Contemporary Popular Culture." Program venue: Fordham University School of Law (July 16).
July 14 2016
Speaking Engagements
Global Social Media Marketing
Jeffrey A. Greenbaum moderates a panel, “Global Social Media Marketing,” with lawyers from the Global Advertising Lawyers Alliance representing the United Arab Emirates, the United Kingdom, Costa Rica, and South Africa.
July 11 2016
Speaking Engagements
Law Firm Exit Strategies: Effective Approaches for Successful Goodbyes
Ron Minkoff speaks at the NBI National Teleconference on "Law Firm Exit Strategies: Effective Approaches for Successful Goodbyes."
July 6 2016
| Continuing Legal Education
Your Next Job in Media - Fitting into an Expanding Global Media World
The media and technology industries are expanding rapidly. Is there a role for you in the explosion of new executive positions with responsibility for analytics, social media, information architecture, user experience, data security and so much more? Read more.
June 22 2016
Speaking Engagements
Ethics for Corporate Counsel 101: A New Paradigm
Nicole Hyland speaks on "Ethics for Corporate Counsel 101: A New Paradigm” at Georgetown Law Center in DC, hosted by the International Association of Defense Counsel and the Georgetown Law Center.
June 16 2016
Speaking Engagements
Commercial Speech and the First Amendment
Rick Kurnit speaks on 'Brand Journalism' for the Yale Law School's Abrams Institute for Freedom of Expression's event, Commercial Speech and the First Amendment. We sponsor the event.
June 13 2016
Speaking Engagements
AICP Week 2016
Jeffrey A. Greenbaum speaks at the AICP’s “Lawyers on the Clock” in New York City. The event is part of AICP Week.
June 9 2016
Change is Good (But Only If You Know About It) - What’s Ahead for Advertising Lawyers in 2016
Advertising law is changing all the time. There are changes from regulators, self-regulators and unions. Changes from social platforms and review sites. Changes from privacy and data security czars. Changes from courts and bar committees. To clear your campaigns with confidence, you need to stay ahead of the changes. Read more.
June 8 2016
Speaking Engagements
42nd National Conference on Professional Responsibility
Nicole Hyland moderates a panel on the "The Ethics of Advising Clients on Social Media" and Ron Minkoff speaks on the panel "Ethics Issues Regarding Client-Requested Retainer Provisions" at the National Conference on Professional Responsibility for the American Bar Association in Philadelphia.
June 3 2016
Speaking Engagements
Brian E. Maas at the 25th Annual National Seminar on Federal Sentencing
Brian E. Maas presents at the 25th Annual National Seminar on Federal Sentencing in Orlando, Florida.
June 1 2016
Speaking Engagements
Shoot Magazine Directors/Producers Forum 2016
Jeffrey A. Greenbaum speaks at the Shoot Magazine Directors/Producers Forum & 14th Annual New Directors Showcase at the DGA Theater in New York City. In a session entitled, “Role Reversal: Lawyer on the Witness Stand,” he will be interviewed by Shoot Editorial Director & Publisher Roberta Griefer. For more information and to request a seat at the event, please click here.
May 26 2016
ERSP Summit and Government Affairs Fly-In 2016
We sponsor the ERSP Summit and Government Affairs Fly-In 2016 in Washington, DC.
May 24 2016
Speaking Engagements
Fair Use in Fashion and Art: Recent Trends and Developments in the United States
Rachel Santori hosts a roundtable for INTA on, "Fair Use in Fashion and Art: Recent Trends and Developments in the United States".
May 24 2016
Speaking Engagements
2016 Annual Video Game Bar Association Summit
Catherine Farrelly moderates the panel, "Intellectual Property Update" at the 2016 Video Game Bar Association Summit in Los Angeles.
May 16 2016
Speaking Engagements
Fordham 2016 Bridge the Gap
Nicole Hyland presents "Don’t Try This at Home: the Ethics of Better Call Saul" at Fordham's Bridge the Gap program.
May 14 2016
Speaking Engagements
Connectiv Executive Summit
Jeremy S. Goldman speaks at the Connectiv Executive Summit on a panel titled, "Data Security Playbook for CEOs"
May 13 2016
GamesBeat Summit 2016
Sean Kane speaks at the 2016 edition of the GamesBeat Summit in Sausalito, California.
May 3 2016
Speaking Engagements
Advertising & Marketing Law Conference
Jeffrey A. Greenbaum speaks at the 6th Annual Advertising & Marketing Law Conference in London, England.
April 28 2016
Speaking Engagements
International Games Industry Law Summit
Sean F. Kane and Greg Boyd speak at the International Games Industry Law Summit in Vilnius, Lithuania.
April 28 2016
Speaking Engagements
Fashion Law Institute’s “Fashion Planet”
Rachel Santori speaks on a panel at the Fashion Law Institute’s “Fashion Planet” symposium on Parallel Worlds: Copyright, Cheerleaders, and Conceptual Separability, discussing copyright protection for fashion designs.
April 22 2016
Speaking Engagements
Don’t Try This at Home: The Questionable Ethics of Better Call Saul
Nicole Hyland presents the CLE "Don’t Try This at Home: The Questionable Ethics of Better Call Saul" for the NYWBA.
April 20 2016
| Continuing Legal Education