Speaking Engagements
Lisa Davis at the Council of Urban Professionals 7th Annual Lawyers Forum
Lisa E. Davis speaks at the Council of Urban Professionals 7th Annual Lawyers Forum. For more information, please click here.
November 1 2016
Many of our events and speaking engagements are CLE accredited.
We also provide tailored CLE presentations and other training sessions on site for clients and friends of the firm.
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Frankfurt Kurnit – NACLE presentations for clients and friends of the firm (Registration Required).
Lisa E. Davis speaks at the Council of Urban Professionals 7th Annual Lawyers Forum. For more information, please click here.
November 1 2016
Thomas D. Selz presents on crowdfunding for the FTC's Fintech Series.
October 26 2016
Jeffrey A. Greenbaum and Jeffrey Farmer (Senior Counsel from Re:Sources USA) will present an FTC Year in Review for Association of Corporate Counsel members at Frankfurt Kurnit.
October 26 2016
Richard Hofstetter speaks at the New York Television Festival on "Decoding Your Deal."
October 26 2016
Once again we are proud to sponsor and host a New York Women in Film & TV (NYWIFT) Power Player Breakfast. This breakfast will feature Amy Emmerich of Refinery29 and will begin at 8:30am ET.
October 25 2016
Terri Seligman presents "The Game-Changing Rules on Native Advertising” for the PRSA International Conference in Indianapolis.
October 24 2016
Jeffrey A. Greenbaum chairs the 15th annual “Hot Topics in Advertising Law” program at the New York City Bar, in New York.
October 21 2016
Brian Murphy speaks at PLI’s Advertising Law Institute 2016 in San Francisco, for more information click here.
October 19 2016
Terri Seligman speaks on "Going Viral: Mitigating the Impact of Negative Reviews While Managing PR Crises" at the 5th Annual Summit on Digital Advertising Compliance: Social Media, Sweepstakes & Promotions.
October 18 2016
Terri Seligman speaks on native advertising at the ACI Digital Advertising Compliance Conference for the American Conference Institute.
October 17 2016
Melissa Georges speaks at the Austin Film Festival on the panel, "Is Your Production in Jeopardy?".
October 15 2016
Nicole Hyland moderates The Copyright Society of the USA's panel, "The Ethics of Enforcing Your Copyright" at the Princeton Club.
October 14 2016
Catherine Farrelly speaks on “Building a Game as a Brand” at the Game Technology Law Conference in Seattle, WA on October 13, 2016.
October 13 2016
Greg Boyd serves as co-chair of the LSI Game Technology Law Conference in Seattle on October 13th and 14th.
October 13 2016
Catherine Farrelly hosts an INTA Roundtable on "Tips and Tools to Manage Trademark Projects" here in our boardroom.
October 7 2016
Greg Boyd leads a roundtable discussion in the boardroom for members of the Association of Corporate Counsel, from 8:30 to 9:30am EST. Greg's topic is privacy and data security. The firm sponsors ACCA.
October 5 2016
Ronald C. Minkoff is a featured panelist at New York County Lawyers' Association's forum, "Should On-line Providers of Legal Forms be Regulated? If So, by Whom? If Not, Why Not?".
September 30 2016
Jeffrey A. Greenbaum speaks at the Interactive Advertising Bureau’s “2016 IAB Global Summit” on “Legal Matters: Around the World of Policy, ePrivacy, and Digital Advertising Laws.” The event takes place in New York City.
September 29 2016
Jeffrey A. Greenbaum speaks about global advertising issues at the Interactive Advertising Bureau Global Summit in New York City.
September 28 2016
Terri J. Seligman attends the NAD Conference in New York. The firm sponsors.
September 26 2016
Nicole Hyland presents a social media ethics panel on "Lawyer blogs: lawyering or advertising?" at the MLRC Conference in Reston, Virginia.
September 23 2016
Brian Murphy serves as a faculty member and speaks at the 26th All Ohio Annual Institute on Intellectual Property (AOAIOIP).
September 21 2016
Sean Kane speaks at the Austin Games Conference.
September 21 2016
Ron Minkoff speaks on e-discovery spoliation issues at the ABA National Legal Malpractice Conference in Chicago. We are Silver Sponsors of the event.
September 21 2016
John B. Harris presents, "The Use (or Abuse) of Mandatory Arbitration and Choice-of-Law Clauses" at Mondo.NYC 2016.
September 16 2016