In the Press: Quoted
Marketing Law Conference to Feature FTC and FCC Leaders
The Chicago Daily Law Bulletin mentioned Jeffrey Greenbaum’s role as moderator for a panel discussion on current regulatory issues at the PMA’s 30th Annual Promotion Marketing Law Conference.
November 12, 2008
In the Press: Quoted
Ronald Minkoff Appellate Division Decision in the New York Law Journal
The New York Law Journal published Ronald Minkoff’s Appellate Division Decision in Carl v. Cohen.
November 3, 2008
In the Press: Quoted
Bradley Whitford Returns to “Duty”
The Hollywood Reporter recognized Amy Nickin as the lawyer for actor Bradley Whitford in his deal to return as star and producer of the comedy pilot "Off Duty". View Article
October 31, 2008
In the Press: Quoted
Run for Your Life
Michael Frankfurt appeared in the film “Run For Your Life” by Frankfurt Kurnit client and emmy-nominated documentarian Judd Ehrlich. The film explores the creation of the New York City Marathon.
October 29, 2008
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In the Press: Quoted
Google Settles Book Suites to Expand Online Publishing
Rick Kurnit was quoted in a article on Google’s $125 million book suite settlements.
October 28, 2008
In the Press: Quoted
Governor Paterson to Make Changes to his Administration
The New York Post mentioned Lisa E. Davis in an article about turnover in Governor Paterson's circle of advisors. View Article
October 27, 2008
In the Press: Quoted
Metropolitan Corporate Counsel Announces PLI Program
Edward H. Rosenthal was listed as one of the speakers for the PLI Program on Understanding Intellectual Property Licensing held on October 27th.
October 24, 2008
In the Press: Quoted
Metropolitan Corporate Counsel Announces Hot Topics in Advertising and Marketing Program
Jeffrey Greenbaum was listed as program chair for the NYC Bar Association’s Hot Topics in Advertising and Marketing program to be held on October 30th.
October 22, 2008
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In the Press: Praise
Candice Kersh in Advertising Age’s “Women to Watch” List
Advertising Age named Candice Kersh a "Women to Watch". Read more.
October 6, 2008
In the Press: Quoted
Doug Jaeger Named Art Directors Club President
Rick Kurnit was mentioned in a Media Bistro article on the announcement of the ADC’s new president Doug Jaeger. Rick is a member of the board of directors.
September 29, 2008
In the Press: Quoted
NFL Sues CBS Interactive Over Fantasy Football
Rick Kurnit was quoted in a MediaPost article on athletes’ publicity rights in the context of fantasy sports. View Article
September 11, 2008
In the Press: Quoted
War of the Ages
Rick Kurnit was quoted in the AdWeek article, "War of the Ages - How a host of new agency realities are pushing boomers out before their time" on August 25, 2008.
August 25, 2008
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In the Press: Quoted
Anti-SLAPP Ruling Cheers Tenant Advocates
City Limits Weekly quoted Wendy Stryker in an article, "Anti-SLAPP Ruling Cheers Tenant Advocates", about Frankfurt Kurnit client Northwest Bronx Community and Clergy Coalition's victory in a landlord-tenant dispute implicating important first amendment rights.
August 18, 2008
In the Press: Quoted
Black Law Partners Work Hard for Obama
The New York Sun quoted Lisa E. Davis in an article about support among black lawyers for Senator Obama. View Article
August 13, 2008
In the Press
Power Lawyers
The Hollywood Reporter named Michael Frankfurt as one of the "Top 100 Power Lawyers".
July 25, 2008
In the Press: Praise
Frankfurt Kurnit Named “a Go to Law Firm of the Leading Technology Companies”
Frankfurt Kurnit has been named a "a Go to Law Firm of the Leading Technology Companies" by American Lawyer Media.
April 24, 2008
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In the Press: Quoted
‘Law & Order’ Faces Libel Suit
Edward H. Rosenthal was interviewed on NPR's "The Bryant Park Project" program on the doctrine of "libel in fiction." View Article
March 24, 2008
In the Press: Quoted
‘Saddle Club’ Producer Sues Discovery
The Daily Record recognized Maura Wogan was mentioned as counsel to Canadian production company, Protocol, in "'Saddle Club' Producer Sues Discovery."
March 13, 2008
In the Press: Quoted
Online Video Sells
Jeffrey A. Greenbaum was quoted in the Internet Retailer article "Online Video Sells, Especially When It Feels Real, Experts Say" on March 7, 2008.
March 7, 2008
In the Press: Quoted
Managing Legal Risks in Affiliate Marketing
Jeffrey A. Greenbaum was interviewed by on liability of merchants for the marketing actions of their affiliates.
February 25, 2008
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In the Press: Quoted
Eaten Alive in the Studio Jungle
The Los Angeles Times quoted Lisa E. Davis in "Eaten Alive in the Studio Jungle". The Press of Atlantic City and The Journal Gazette reprinted the article.
February 13, 2008
In the Press: Quoted
Truth in Advertising
Jeffrey A. Greenbaum appeared on the CBS Early Show as an expert on Truth in Advertising.
February 11, 2008
In the Press: Quoted
God vs. Gridiron
Rick Kurnit was quoted in the February 2, 2008 Wall Street Journal article, "God vs. Gridiron." View Article
February 2, 2008
In the Press: Quoted
Scientologists Threaten Gawker Media with Legal Action Over Cruise Video
Rick Kurnit was quoted in the January 22, 2008 MediaPost article, "Scientologists Threaten Gawker Media With Legal Action Over Cruise Video." View Article
January 22, 2008
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In the Press: Quoted
Amy Nickin Promoted to Partner
Crain in its "Executive Moves" column, Variety in its "Executive Shuffle" column, and The New York Law Journal in its "News in Brief" column all mentioned Amy Nickin's promotion to Partner in Frankfurt Kurnit's Entertainment Group.
January 19, 2008