In the Press: Quoted
Victoria Cook on CBS The Insider
Victoria Cook spoke with The Insider about the pending lawsuits against Fox's hit show, "The Empire."
April 17, 2015
Victoria Cook spoke with The Insider about the pending lawsuits against Fox's hit show, "The Empire."
April 17, 2015
Maura Wogan and Jeremy S. Goldman were listed in Variety's Legal Impact Report for 2015. View Article
April 14, 2015
A day barely passes without news of a major data breach perpetrated by outsiders who gained unauthorized access to sensitive personal information and intellectual property stored on company computers. Read more.
April 10, 2015
For a variety of reasons, some New York lawyers choose to practice "virtually" - that is, they conduct their business primarily over the Internet, rather than through a physical law office. Read more.
April 9, 2015
CMO Council and quoted Global Advertising Lawyers Alliance (GALA) Chairman, Jeffrey Greenbaum, on GALA's recent release of "Advertising Law: A Global Legal Perspective," an advertising law book which provides an overview of the advertising and marketing laws in 56 countries.
April 8, 2015
Bloomberg BNA quoted Nicole Hyland on the legal ethics of two recent cases of alleged attorney misconduct. View Article
April 3, 2015
Bloomberg BNA quoted Brian Murphy on the use of Communications Decency Act Section 230 by review site publishers facing defamation claims for allegedly inaccurate reviews.
April 2, 2015
Tyler Maulsby summarized recent NY ethics opinions in the April 2015 issue of the New York Legal Ethics Reporter. Read more.
April 1, 2015
MediaPost quoted Rick Kurnit in "Ad Lawyers' Predictions: Data Will Be King, Disclaimers Will Disappear," an article on the future of disclosures in advertising. View Article
March 31, 2015
Catherine Farrelly was quoted by Law360 in reaction to the U.S. Supreme Court ruling stating that federal court decisions on “likelihood of confusion” can be precluded by earlier findings on the same issue from the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board.
March 26, 2015
Above the Law interviewed Nicole Hyland on her blog "The Legal Ethics of Better Call Saul". View Article
March 26, 2015
We frequently see private placement memoranda, seeking to raise capital for films, which refer to independent film success stories such as "My Big Fat Greek Wedding," "Little Miss Sunshine," or other independent films which became box office hits. Read more.
March 26, 2015
The recent Supreme Court decision in B&B Hardware, Inc. v. Hargis Industries, Inc. contains some important news for trademark owners and practitioners. Read more.
March 26, 2015
Nicole Hyland was interviewed for Slate's TV Club Podcast about her Tumblr blog which discusses the legal ethics of "Better Call Saul." (min 14:20 - 27:02) Listen to podcast.
March 25, 2015
Super Lawyers listed thirty-one Frankfurt Kurnit attorneys in its 2014 edition. Read more.
March 23, 2015
Above the Law mentioned Nicole Hyland's blog, "The Legal Ethics of Better Call Saul", in "Non-Sequiturs". View Article
March 20, 2015
The current issue of Savoy features Lisa E. Davis in the 2015 Most Influential Black Lawyers list. It is the definitive listing of African American executives, influencers and achievers impacting corporate America. View Article
March 19, 2015
Have you ever wondered whether a late-night television infomercial offer was too good to be true? Advertising regulators wonder the same thing. Read more.
March 13, 2015
The New York Law Journal quoted Nicole Hyland on the ethical issues confronting law firms that use Professional Employer Organizations (PEOs) to outsource human resource and employee benefit functions. The article (which is behind a paywall) quoted Ms. Hyland saying: "Use of a PEO raises the risk of violating attorney ethics rules if services expand beyond benefits and HR administration into decision making about personnel". You can read more about this ethics opinion here.
March 12, 2015
The New York Law Journal covered a New York City Bar opinion on non-refundable retainer fees. The City Bar’s Committee on Professional Ethics, which is chaired by Nicole Hyland, released the opinion. (Article behind a paywall) View Article
March 6, 2015
AmeriFreight, an automobile shipment broker, has agreed to settle FTC charges that it deceived customers by advertising the quantity and quality of its online customer reviews, while failing to disclose that it provided incentives to its customers to author them. Read more.
March 5, 2015
Campaign Asia-Pacific covered Rick Kurnit's presentation, "Talent: Culture, Compensation, and Communication", on the intricacies of hiring and firing talent in the media business. The presentation was a part of the 2015 Media360Summit in Hong Kong. (Article behind a paywall) View Article
February 26, 2015
The Federal Trade Commission has made clear in recent months that it will scrutinize claims from advertisers about products that allegedly improve cognitive function, including video game products. Read more.
February 23, 2015
Law360 quoted Nicole Hyland on the ethical issues confronting law firms that use Professional Employer Organizations (PEOs) to outsource human resource and employee benefit functions. The article (which is behind a paywall) quoted Ms. Hyland saying: "Law firms are ethically permitted to use PEOs, subject to certain guidelines. The law firm must scrutinize the PEO Agreement carefully to make sure that it does not interfere with the lawyers' ethical obligations." You can read more about this ethics opinion here.
February 20, 2015
What is the Internet of Things (the "IoT")? It's the ability of everyday objects to connect to the internet and collect and transmit data. Read more.
February 18, 2015
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